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Create Map app
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Last app on this template was made
56 minutes ago in Brazil
Map App Builder
to create Android map app for your business location or address on the map.
Fields marked with
symbol are
1. Go to
Google Maps
2. Find the desired location on a map
3. Click 'Share' button in location info
4. Click on 'Embed a map' tab
5. Click 'COPY HTML' button
6. Insert HTML code into Map Embed Html field below
More info -
How to get Map Embed Html?
Map Embed Html:
Refresh preview
App name:
Default icon
Custom icon
Crop image:
Your goal
What is the purpose for which you want to create a mobile application?
I have a commercial business that lacks a mobile application for interacting with clients
I want to make various applications with the aim of earning money from advertising
For blogging and working with subscribers
For educational purposes
Having troubles with this form? Follow simple
Fine tune your app after clicking Create App
Create Android Apps in 5 minutes
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> Create Map App