Author: Anastasiya


Taking the Right App Screenshot for Google Play – Android App

I have been inundated with emails from users that want to create an Android app and want more details regarding Google Play and how to get screen shots for your developers account. Today I would like to take you through a step by step process of capturing a screen shot and resizing it to suit […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Video – Make an Android App in Under a Minute

Make an Android app in a click Time for you to start your app dream AppsGeyser is an online app creation tool that lets you can create an app in seconds with no coding. Have you got an idea that you want to turn into an Android app? Perfect. Now we need to decide how you get your app […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Earn Money from Android Apps using AdMob – Ads Explained

We have already brought you the good news that you can now join the FREE AppsGeyser app monetization program without having to meet any requirements. What we haven’t told you is what this really means to you. Today we are going to explain more about AdMob, how it works and how you can utilize different […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Use AdMob to Monetize an AppsGeyser Android App

How to set up AdMob Ads for your app by yourself A lot of AppsGeyser users are really excited about the possibility of adding AdMob ads. Some of you have asked us exactly how it works, so we decided to tell everyone all at once. Here are the steps you’ll need to take. 1. Open […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Android App Coming Soon – Testing Your Audience with Placeholder app

Most app makers start with an attitude of ‘if you build it, they will come,’ so they start by building an app. Then they start the public relations trail, and build up an audience. It’s a great way to build an app, gain a following, and start making money. Placeholder App Method A different way […]

Posted by Anastasiya

Using Facebook and Other Social Networks to Market Android Apps

Yesterday we discussed some of the ways you can use different marketing techniques to help with marketing apps. Today I want to look a little bit more into the social networking side of marketing. I will start with the most popular of all social networking tools – Facebook. Social networking is a field that many people […]

Posted by Anastasiya