Author: martynov


The Secret To Making Money With Your Android App

The truth of the matter is, if you’re a developer, you’re most likely not creating apps for the fun of it. Creating an app can be seen as a business venture where you will have to generate revenue to continue operating. However, there are quite several options to select when it comes to monetization, it […]


5 Ways To Write Effective Mobile App Surveys

When it comes to having a mobile app, you always have to take into account the customers’ feedback to make the experience better. When you listen to feedback, the following will happen: Strengthened loyalty Improved retention, AND Increased revenue And what better way to listen to customers than to send them mobile surveys, which can […]


10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

While some businesses took a while to catch up with the digital revolution, the majority of companies now have a website of some kind. However, merely having a website is not enough if it does not appear in search engine results, is lacking in information, expertise, personality, or originality. It does not matter how big […]
