
How to secure your mobile wallet?

to secure mobile wallet

Most crypto users prefer to use mobile crypto wallets to store and transfer cryptocurrencies. The reason behind this is that mobile wallets are convenient and are easy to use. Crypto users can make both in-person and online purchases with mobile wallets. With the increasing trend of cryptocurrencies and crypto wallets, mobile wallets have become extremely popular. Though these wallets are convenient, these wallets are highly susceptible to cyber-attacks. Therefore, there is a great need to secure mobile devices, data associated, and crypto coins from cyber attacks and theft. Learn about the bitcoin scams and trade bitcoin effectively. 

You may find many crypto experts suggesting avoiding using mobile wallets because these are vulnerable to attacks. Still, these wallets are best, and using suitable security measures; you can protect your wallets. So let us explore the tips to protect mobile wallets here in this article.

  • Never leave your mobile device in a public place or the car, and that too unlocked.
  • It is crucial to check your surroundings and then use your mobile wallet unobtrusively. 
  • It is best to avoid making crypto payments from mobile wallets over an unsecured or public Wi-Fi network. It would be best if you always used a private network to avoid the risk of hackers hacking or attacking your wallet.
  • Make sure to use random, long, and unique passwords for your mobile wallet. Not only for the wallet, but also use a password or face recognition feature to lock your mobile device, so no one has access to it other than you.
  • Ensure to install the security software and maintain it on your mobile device. Various apps are available to lock your mobile device to restrict unauthorized access, locate your device from the computer, and erase sensitive personal information and other credentials from a mobile device. Enable the app or feature to scream or emit loud sound in case anyone else touches or phone or tries to unlock it. 
  • Be extremely cautious while using social media handles. Most hackers always have prying eyes on social media, which may pose a risk and allow restricted or unwanted access to your credentials or sensitive information. 
  • Ensure to monitor all your financial accounts associated with your mobile device and apps to prevent fraudulent activity. Also, ensure to evaluate the service assessment for those accounts that it will take if your mobile device gets hacked, lost, or stolen. 
  • Police may require unique identifying information of your smartphone in case it is lost or stolen. So you have to note down the unique device identification number, model number name, and serial number or International Mobile Equipment Identifier. 

What to do in case the mobile device is stolen or lost?

  • If you aren’t sure whether your mobile device gets stolen or you misplaced it, you must try calling it to know its location or use a GPS locator of security software.
  • Make sure to immediately report the loss or theft that has taken place to a wireless carrier near you. If you have mobile device details like an IMEI number, you can provide details to a carrier, and they may immediately disable your mobile device and payments apps in it. They also block any access to sensitive data or personal information of crypto users. Therefore, it is best to request confirmation in written form from your carrier that your mobile device has been misplaced or lost, which is why your device got disabled by the carrier.
  • Suppose you have already installed the security software on your mobile device. In that case, you can utilize it to lock your phone and delete the personal information or choose to activate the alarm.
  • Ensure to file a complaint or report about the theft to police and provide the complete information of your device, including model, make, serial number, MEID number, or IMEI number in your complaint. Police have some service providers that need profit that mobile device are yours and got stolen while preparing the report.
  • If you cannot lock your mobile device, it is better to log in to your crypto wallet app from another secure device and change the passwords.