
How to Choose a Powerful Domain Name for Your New Venture

In 2021, there were 8.9 million mobile apps available over iOS and Android. In this competitive market, a bright idea and seamless functionality aren’t enough to guarantee success.

So, what can contribute to the success of your Android App? A powerful domain name that sticks in the mind of your customers will let you leverage the subconscious power of branding while growing your reach through word of mouth.

A good domain name relies on a number of factors. And for coherent branding, it should align with your app’s name to create a strong online identity. For that reason alone, choosing a domain name should be one of the first steps you take along the road to launch.

Four Key Considerations For A Powerful Domain Name

Choosing a powerful domain name doesn’t have to be complicated – as we’ll see, simplicity is a core principle of the process. Here are four key considerations to help you strike gold.

  1. Keep It Simple

While Google Chrome’s autofill is going to take over after the first few characters, the first step for anyone navigating to your domain is remembering it. And in today’s world of information overload – the average individual absorbs an astonishing 174 newspapers-worth of information every day – it’s harder than ever to be memorable.

So make it easy for the market to remember you. From Tinder to Twitter, Strava to Snapchat, there’s one thing this diverse range of apps has in common: a maximum character count of 8 and two hard-hitting syllables.

  1. Tap Into On-Trend Brandability

Given the powerful influence of the subconscious on consumer decisions, it’s important to find a domain name that takes on a larger meaning than a simple signifier. It needs to become a brand that subconsciously guides your customers’ economic choices.

Even a made-up word, as long as it sounds like the real deal, could tap into a brandable notion that sticks in the mind of your target market. Spotify and Bumble, for example, have no strong connection to their industry – but they work. So what’s the best way to make sure you pick a domain name with a brandability in tune with the current climate? By using a professional naming service with years of experience.

  1. Beware Of Keyword Clickbait

Using keywords in a domain name can help to communicate to your customers, as well as the almighty algorithm, what it is you do – but be careful of going all-in on a keyword domain in the early stages of selling your app.

Keywords are, by definition, generic and they lack a brandable edge. If eBay had kept its original name (AuctionWeb) would it be a household name today?

  1. Get To Know Your TLDs

A top level domain (that’s TLD for short) is the last part of your domain: think .com, .org or .zw if you’re in Zimbabwe. There are over 1500 top level domains out there, but despite this none have been able to displace the digital domination of .com to signify a legitimate and reliable digital entity.

Dot com domains are hot property, so you may not always be able to get your first choice. Other top level domains that are relevant to your industry, such as .io and .app could be a valuable alternative.

Let’s Get Started

Choosing a powerful, memorable, and brandable domain name is vital to the success of any app. And if you take these considerations into account, you’ll give your app a chance to thrive in the competitive Play store. Remember:

  • Keep it simple and avoid numbers, hyphens, or underscores.
  • Find a brandable domain name that sticks in the subconscious.
  • Be wary of keyword-oriented domains.
  • Choose a relevant and respected top level domain.

With a snappy and brandable domain, your app will be ready to go viral.
Grant Polachek is the head of branding for Squadhelp.com, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients such as Nestle, Dell, Nuskin, and AutoNation.