
6 Ways to Promote App on Facebook

Promote App on Facebook

After launching your Android app successfully, it’s time to market it so that users might know the actual worth of it. From gathering requirements of the app until its testing, you have always been thinking of making it successful. The success of your app depends upon various factors.

You need to market and promote your app as much as you can because proper marketing will make it fruitful. Social media is a great way to engage the audience and turn them to regular users of your app. You can promote app on Facebook because there is enormous potential in Facebook app marketing.

There are a lot of ways to promote app on Facebook, and we are going to tell you all of them. At AppsGeyser, we have been researching every aspect revolving around mobile app development and always provide you the best solutions to your problems. That’s why we are here to help you out with how you can promote app on Facebook effectively.

How Can App Promotion on Facebook Help You?

Social media has become very popular in the modern age. Almost every person uses social media. There could be differences in the social media platforms people uses, but overall, there is a huge audience that can be targeted using it.

Facebook is one of the top trending social media platforms having more than 2 billion users around the globe. Marketing your app on Facebook makes a great deal because you can find your target audience there very easily. See the Devumi comparison here for more particular knowledge.

When it comes to the competition on app stores, there are a massive number of apps trying to promote themselves in different ways, but the audience is not as vaster as for social media. It proves to be an effective way if you promote app on Facebook as big businesses grab audiences from the platforms they love like social media.

Despite app marketing, there are quite a lot of benefits of using social media as app business representatives. You can create a Facebook page and start connecting with versatile audiences from different parts of the world. When users see your presence on social media platforms like Facebook, they will surely have a sense of trust in your business.

You can promote app on Facebook and get the following benefits.

  • Audience trust builds up
  • Users visit your Facebook page for solving issues
  • People get familiarity with your app business
  • Increases brand awareness
  • Number of visitors to your website/app store increases

Some app businesses promote their Facebook business pages to gain the audience’s trust. You can have brand awareness too because there are chances that the audience may have seen your business or app name for the first time. If you have represented your app or business as a quality-rich and active one, they will surely check you out.

Ways to Promote App on Facebook

Facebook is a vast social media, and you can promote app on Facebook in numerous ways. It’s not just about placing a paid ad on Facebook and waiting for the users to increase and hit the bells of the top charts on app stores.

You always need to pay attention to many factors while promoting your app on Facebook. Some app types require you to be active almost all the time on Facebook and answer the questions of the users, and others require you to engage the audience by yourself.

AppsGeyser has come up with 6 proven ways to promote app on Facebook to help you out in the entire Facebook app marketing process. These tested and proven ways have become quite effective in gaining versatile users and boost your app business. Let’s get started!

1. Make a Facebook Page

Let’s not deny the fact that active Facebook presence cannot be possible without a Facebook business page. It would be best if you did not use your personal profile for marketing your app or the entire app business. A Facebook page should be an actual representation of your app business.

You can have a lot of perks by creating a Facebook page for your business. When the users search your app name or the business name, they should see a proper business page instead of some people discussing it or some hashtags.

Name your Facebook page similarly to the name of your app business as it will make an impact on having a solid brand identity. Your Facebook page should be a unique one, and without being funky, you should convey the benefits of your apps within your page.

You can publish posts representing your apps and attract the audience. Placing ads is another great way to promote apps on Facebook because you can expose your business to the hidden audience in this way. Just keep in mind to show the primary theme of your app business on your Facebook page. You can learn more about facebook ads with top facebook training course.

2. Search App Relevant Facebook Pages

Facebook is a vast platform, and other app businesses are representing their apps as well. You need to work a bit hard from them in order to become highlighted in the eyes of the audience. When it comes to the Facebook marketing structure, there are a lot of app-relevant pages as well.

You need to be active on the platform and try not to miss any opportunity of promoting your app. Search all of the app-relevant Facebook pages and follow them to have the latest updates on one hand and contribution on the other.

3. Contribute to Discussions

Discussion is an efficient way to reveal and show how much potential your app business has. There are a lot of discussions going on as far as apps are concerned for almost all the time on social media. If you contribute to them, there are huge chances of user engagement.

You always convey a positive image of your app business through discussions. Try to be a part of the trending pages on Facebook and motivate the audience to visit your Facebook page or download your app from the app store.

4. Be Active on Discussion Groups

Find the relevant discussion groups to promote app on Facebook effectively. If you ask questions or give answers to some already asked ones, users will observe the impact of it and will love to hear more from you. In this way, they will try to learn more about you and have a sense of discovery.

You should also ask people to contribute to the discussions. If you already have some users on your app, you can ask them to participate in discussion groups, as it will significantly enhance the reputation of your business.

Your app business will have the influence to attract audiences from all parts of the world. Just be sure not to let any questions regarding your app unanswered. Try to respond quickly to the queries of the users.

Another benefit of being active in discussion groups is that people will compare your app to the competitors, and there are strong chances of winning yours. Try to be friendly as much as possible as a friendly relation with the audience will lead you to the success of your entire app business.

5. Encourage People to Vote

You will get numerous benefits when you promote app on Facebook as there are features to vote for apps/products. Competitions and questionnaires often circulate on social media along with their results. People will get impressed by your app if it’s achieving a good score than others.

This inspiration will lead to their interest in using your app. Encourage people to vote for your app if they have used it or provided you positive feedback. Their feedback means a lot because before downloading an app from the Play Store/app stores, people look for the previous feedbacks.

6. Constantly Update Content

Now you have made your Facebook page, and all things are going well, but suddenly you see the user’s graph going down! What has gone wrong? Undoubtedly, the primary reason behind it is that you have worked hard on promoting your app and building your page but didn’t have updated the content for a long time.

People love to see updated content, and the technologies are always on the verge of updates. If you have talked about the first version of your app on your Facebook page and it’s the fifth version currently running on, things will not work in your favor. You should update content on a regular basis, answer user queries, and try to respond as quickly as possible.

Be updated on the technology changes and all the tips and tricks to become a successful app business owner through the blog and tools provided by AppsGeyser. We had more than a decade of experience, even when the Android platform was just started. We have helped a lot of app business giants and currently on a mission to make you one of those.

Just use these effective and proven ways to promote app on Facebook and tell us how your experience was. Are you facing any difficulty? Follow our social media channels and let us know as we always try to help you as much as possible.