
7 Deadly Mobile App Development Mistakes

Mobile app development consists of several processes that take time and continuous efforts. There are many aspects to take care of during the process because only a single mistake can fail the entire development architecture.

This is the era of mobile apps, and there are a lot of advancements in the app development process, such as online pre-built templates that AppsGeyser provides to you. All of these templates are comprehensively tested and fully-featured because the app development market is huge, and you can’t afford mistakes.

From good to ugly, Android app stores are full of various apps. You are here because your primary goal is to make your apps stand out from the crowd. We are here to provide you insights on 7 deadly mobile app development mistakes and how you can avoid them during the process.

The best apps are ones that solve a real pain for the users which other app providers have been unable to provide. Whether you want to reach out to the top-level chart or not, you should avoid some deadly mistakes that can ruin your app development process. Let’s take a look at why avoiding them is that critical.

Why Avoiding these Mistakes are Important?

Some app business owners try to develop their apps no matter if there are a lot of errors in them, but that’s a wrong approach. It all starts with the usability of an app. The users are there to find solutions to their problems, and if they see something engaging, they move a step forward and usually download that app.

But what if the app is not as they were thinking about it or the app has not represented itself what it really does? It is essential to avoid even minor mistakes to cope up with these bad impressions and future app failures. As you have already spent a lot of money, time, and efforts to develop your dream app, you can’t afford the collapse of it.

The reason why you should focus more on mobile app development mistakes is that the entire paradigm of your app business success lies upon the quality and value you provide to your users. If your app is not as quality-rich as you have promised to them, you will construct a wall of distrust between your app business and your users.

From polishing your app idea to the testing of the app, if you avoid these mobile app development mistakes throughout the entire process, your app business will surely be on the verge of success. As industry experts, we can assure you that your app business will get a boost in revenue and money-making if you provide quality to your app users.

What are these Deadly Mobile App Development Mistakes?

We have analyzed every aspect of the mobile app development process and found some deadly mistakes that most app businesses do. These mistakes are much severe as these can degrade your rankings from the app store as well as become the reason for user’s dissatisfaction.

If the users of your app are dissatisfied with what your app is offering to them, believe us, your chances of being a competitive app business owner fades out rapidly. Therefore, we have come up with the information on 7 deadly mobile app development mistakes and how you can effectively avoid them. Without any delay, let’s get straight ahead to these mistakes.

1. Bad App

If the app does not do what it says, then it is considered as a bad app. There might be some reasons behind it, such as you have tested the app, but the features are not working well, and the actual problem cannot be solved through the app. There could also be a virus in your app that can eventually fall into the category of a bad app.

Some other factors that can make your app a bad one are if your app is misleading and not providing the actual or true information or resources to the users. Not only the app that is considered to be a bad one by the users will get affected, but your entire line of apps will get effected through this experience.

That’s why we focus on the quality of mobile apps more than anything else and urges you to do so. If somehow your app becomes terrible in the eyes of the audience, you may never build the user trust again. Therefore, always try to deliver what you are promising and so not compromise on the quality of your mobile apps.

2. Bad App Description

Some app descriptions even don’t make sense and cannot be an acceptance by the users. If your app description is not describing the app, then there is a serious issue that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Users generally figure out how much quality you are providing to them through the app, but if the app description is a dumb one, they will not even stay at your app page on the store.

It would be best if you avoid grammar and spelling mistakes in your app description as it severely impacts the user experience. Always make sure to write an app description that smartly describes your app. It should also be clear and concise. Try to tell the users why they should download your app, what features it has and how this app will solve their problems in the app description.

3. Bad App Icon

An app icon is the first visual of your app that the user sees. Try to make it catchy and engaging for the audience as much as possible. If your app icon is a hand-drawn picture or something that is not reflecting your app, it’s going to be a problem for you in the long run.

Dull app icons with common color combinations always prove to be bad user experience. Instead of using ordinary color combinations in your app icon, go for the trendy ones. Your app icon can represent which quality your app is and how it can solve the need of your app users.

Don’t try to use a single image for the entire screen sizes but make your app icon in different sizes and dimensions. Since different android versions show app icons differently, try to adhere to the guidelines, and make your app icon an attractive one.

4. Ugly Screens

Would you read a bright yellow text on a light green background? It would surely be unreadable for you. Here comes the importance of using good color combinations for your app screens. But wait! Your app screens should be aligned in a great way to provide a good user experience.

App screens and the visuals are the only impactful elements from which the user can evaluate if he/she is going to use your app or not. Try to focus on your app screens and make them bright and compelling as much as possible. If your app contains app themes, try to make all of them readable.

5. Low-Quality Text

The content of your mobile app is the primary thing for which the user downloads your app from the store. If your app contains low-quality text such as spelling mistakes in the text, it is going to be a problem for you. It will help if you avoid these mobile app development mistakes because there are severe impacts of them on your app business.

If you are providing inadequate information on your app, the users will most likely leave your app. Make sure to spend time on the content of your app and make it quality-rich as much as you can. If you can’t afford an expert in the language department, you can use free online tools or even ask your friends to help.

6. Crashes

App crashes are always harmful to your app business as users don’t like to have apps with a record of app crashes. Try to test your app before launching it on a mobile apps store. The more you spend time on finding crashes and bugs from your app, the more it will become quality-rich.

In the end, if you successfully dealt with the quality of your app, there are great chances of it being the top-rated one. Not only the users, but the app stores also like apps with comparatively fewer crash scores than other similar apps on the market.

7. Bad App Name

Using a lousy app name is one of the most considerable mobile app development mistakes that you should focus on. For example, if your app name is “Supermoney,” no one can understand if your app can be used to earn money, track money, or pay money. Using an impactful and understandable app name is a must to earn success in the app business market.

In a nutshell, there are numerous mobile apps on the market, and competing with all of them becomes a must to gain better user engagement. Earning money is not that much difficult if you avoid these 7 deadly mobile app development mistakes. AppsGeyser is striving to provide you the best services and make the app quality-rich that eventually earns you success as well as healthy revenue.

Have you found any mistake in your app? Please tell us by following our social media channels and contacting us. We will be happy to help you.