Author: Anastasiya


Distribute your Android App to GooglePlay

Once you have created your Android app, or network of Android apps, you need to start considering your app distribution plan. What you need to consider when deciding how to distribute your app is which is way you can get your app to the widest possible audience. You not only want to get your app […]


Build Your Android App Business Keyword Bank

It is time to start marking your Android app business. When planning any type of business that will be marketed online, you need to ensure that you have successfully collected a range of keywords that you will be using within every single page of your brand’s written content. You want to build a selection of […]


5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Be Mobile

You may think that going mobile is not something that your business needs, but you are wrong. Around a decade ago there was a sudden influx of businesses running to get online after seeing the impact the Internet was having on businesses. When the Internet was first introduced, marketers did not initially stand up and […]
