
There’s Investor Hype Around Cloud Call Center Solutions. Is It Right?

Companies still running their communication and call centers with on-premise software are missing out on the numerous benefits of a cloud-based solution. Remote working has become more popular today, and businesses are taking advantage of its cost-effectiveness.

Providing quick and excellent customer service can be challenging for many businesses. It’s important to keep up with your customers’ demands and inquiries, and you can do it with a cloud contact center.

This post will provide deep insights into why cloud call center solutions are gaining more popularity today.

Read on to discover why you should invest in them.

Why are investments in cloud call center solutions important?

Investing in cloud call center solutions instead of on-premise call center software is a surefire way to save money. It eliminates the excessive installation costs usually associated with traditional call centers. Cloud platforms are also more secure and reliable.

With a cloud-based call center solution, your team can efficiently complete multiple call center-related tasks, and you won’t have to invest in other tools. Cloud systems help to reduce operational costs and boost productivity.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how most businesses operate, and more companies are adopting remote working. Working from home exposed the limitations of traditional call centers. With phones and software tied to the office’s landline, you can only use traditional call centers from within the building. As a compromise, your remote workers can use home telephone service for work calls using solutions like Community Phone.

Here are some advantages of using cloud call center solutions:

Cloud center solutions are cheaper

One of the major benefits of cloud-based call center solutions is costs. Setting up a virtual call center solution can be cost-effective. It doesn’t involve expenses such as purchasing compatible phone sets, necessary hardware, and power supply. These costs are a must when dealing with on-premise call center solutions.

Cloud systems are easier to install and update

Setting up a phone infrastructure for a brick-and-mortar solution involves many processes. You’ll need to hire an IT technician to create the system accounts for every worker and install the software on the computer. The technician will also connect the phones and other equipment to the network.

A cloud-based solution is more hassle-free. All you need is fast internet, and you’re good to go. The installation process takes less time, and there’s no need to hire an IT technician.

Cloud solutions offer more reliability and security

Cloud storage offers more security than physical data centers. With a team of experienced cybersecurity experts, virtual call centers ensure no security breaches occur. Cloud platform providers know to do their best to protect against data leaks, breaches, viruses, and hacker attacks.

What will call centers look like in 5 years?

There will be artificial intelligence and BOTs in call centers in five years. However, they will not eliminate the need for humans (at least not in the next five years). Live agents will take the stage-front position while artificial intelligence will play a backstage role.

Call centers will leverage the latest technology to remain relevant in the changing world. They will adopt call center CRM, AI, application programming interface (API), machine learning, and visual IVR.

Call centers of the future will be better equipped to accurately predict customer reactions and emotions to many different situations. Businesses will enhance their customer service with this data by providing more insights for agents. 

Automation will keep growing, and BOTs will become more accessible than the current IVR. Conversations between customers and BOTs will be more natural because of the Natural Language Platform (NLP).


Cloud call center solutions make agents more efficient and productive. As a result, companies will achieve lesser call handling time and overall call center costs. With the right cloud solution, you can significantly boost your company’s bottom line.

You’ll be able to reduce your average handle time (AHT) and downtime. Your customers will be in the right place thanks to the exceptional self-service options your cloud system provides.