
Why Google Play Is The App Store For You? – Android App Distribution

The past week we have been focusing upon app distribution and the importance of getting your app out there to the widest possible audience. We have discussed the various ways of app distribution, including using your websites, review pages and of course app distribution via Android app markets.

App distribution

There are many markets in which you can distribute your free Android app that you have created with AppsGeyser’s app making templates; including Amazon app store and GetJar. The audience styles for each app store are unique and you need to decipher which Android app store best suits the need for your app.  App distribution is an important stage of your app making and although we stress that there are many app stores out there, whether we like it or not, the monopoly still lays with Google Play.

Why should I consider Google Play in my app distribution plan?

1. Audience size –GooglePlay remains the most popular of all Android app stores, and this means that your app will be visible in one of the largest app stores in the World. GooglePlay boasts more searches undertaken per day than any other app store, therefore there is more of a chance that someone will search for an app like yours.

2. Easy Access – This is the key to GooglePlay’s success, GooglePlay has the advantage of being pre-programmed on every Android device, meaning that all Android users automatically have access to this app store without having to download a new app store, or open a website to access an app store that is hosting your app.

3. Discoverability – GooglePlay has an easy search style for apps set out with category sections, editorial picks and features. This makes it easy for a user to search for an app using not only the app name, but also search references. In the past few days we have spoken a lot about App Store Optimization to help enhance your app’s visibility in the app store.

4. Cost – GooglePlay does not come for free, but it is also not as expensive as other Android app stores. For just $25 the app developer can upload as many apps as they wish.

5. Ease of use – You do not have to be a technical wiz to use GooglePlay either as an app developer or an app user. You can upload your free AppsGeyser Android app within just a few minutes and see your app live within a few days..

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either by email or via our Facebook page where we are always happy to help.