
How to Install a VPN on Your Cell Phone?

Most people today spend significantly more time on their phones and tablets than on their computers, not just for browsing but also for gaming. Every day people are using these personal devices to send and receive sensitive information, and they are often doing so on a public network. This is why it is becoming more and more important to have a VPN on your personal mobile device. Many people avoid doing this because they think that it will be difficult to do, however this isn’t the case, today we will show you how you can set up a VPN on your iPhone or Android in 10 minutes or less.

VPN cell phone

What is a VPN?

A VPN or a Virtual Private Network enables you to hide your online activity. What does this mean? When you use a VPN, you connect to the internet through a protected network that hides your online activities from others. The VPN does this by hiding your IP address, which makes it impossible for others to track your online activity when you are using a public network, this provides protection against hackers or identity thief’s who might be watching your online activity. 

Should I set up a VPN on my Phone?

So, should you set up a VPN on your phone or tablet? The simple answer is yes. In today’s environment almost everyone is tracking your online activity, from Google to your online service provider, these companies collect your data and then sell it to others. Have you ever googled a product, let’s say a new pair of wireless headphones, and then soon after this you see advertisements for this product on all of your personal devises? This can be a little scary, it feels as if someone is always watching you. A VPN is the only way to block these companies from watching your online activity, a VPN will give you peace of mind, knowing that you can surf the internet without someone watching you.

Still not convinced? Another benefit to setting up a VPN is that you have the ability to access web content with an IP address that is located anywhere in the world. Did you know that streaming companies such as Netflix share different content in different countries? Having a VPN will allow you to view your favorite streaming services from anywhere in the world, opening up a whole new gold mine of content that you never knew existed.      

How to set up a VPN on Your Phone?

So, what are your options when setting up a VPN? First, you can manually set up a VPN, this is not a simple process, but it is effective. Here is a guide that will help you to manually set up VPN on any device. And second, and in my opinion the better option, you can use a VPN service provider that allows you to set up a VPN on any of your personal devices with a simple click of a button.  

After you have chosen how you will set up your VPN it is now time to choose which VPN provider you will go with. Some providers offer free VPNs such as ProtonVPN, or Hotspot Shield, while others charge a small monthly fee such as ExpressVPN, NordVPN or Surfshark for iOS and Android. While you may tempted to go with a free VPN you must keep in mind that they are almost always not as good as a VPN that you pay for. Here you can find a list of our Top 10 Best VPN Services for PC & Smartphone

Now that you have chosen which VPN provider you will go with it is time install the VPN onto your phone. Don’t worry, this can be done with a very simple three step process. 

  • Download your VPN of choice from the Apple store or the Google Play store. These apps are generally very easy to setup, simply click install and wait for the app to appear on your home screen.
  • After the VPN app is properly installed go to your home screen, and click on the VPN app.
  • If you choose to go with a paid for VPN you will be asked to create an account to sign up for the VPN service. After creating an account, you will be asked to pay for your preferred level of subscription. I would suggest that you find a VPN service that offers a 30-day money back guarantee, this way you can try it out and see if you like it before you commit to acutely paying for it. 

Now your VPN is ready to use, just remember that it will only work if you go into the app and turn it on. So, when you are ready to surf the internet, open your VPN app, turn it on and surf the web free from worry, no one will be able to track you.