
How To Make Money By Creating Apps For Android Platform

Every developer dream about creating a handsome revenue by Android apps. In reality, this is only true for only a few successful companies and entrepreneurs. Everybody wants to create a quick income by creating Android apps. Android app development process requires consuming resources and it requires hard work with constant effort to make an app successful on the play store. If you create an app and you think that you are done, you are wrong. An App after publication requires continuous maintenance so that it provides continuous great user experience to the end-users. A lot of factors are involved in making an Android app successful in the Android marketplace. Keep reading this article for knowing about how to make money by creating apps for the Android platform. You have to keep all the necessary guidelines in your mind and follow the procedure step by step so that you can create a successful profit-generating Android app in the end.

Many people wonder by watching different successful apps on the play store about how some developers are earning such great revenues by building different apps. If you think about creating your career as an Android developer, then there is good news for you. Android is an open-source platform and it provides the opportunity of earning revenue from android apps. An app will not become successful overnight. You will also not earn great revenue in the early time of publication of your Android app. Rather, you have to wait and constantly improve the app from the feedback that will be provided to you. You will also need to maintain the Android app continuously by releasing different updates to improve the functionality of the Android app and also fulfilling the demands of the users.

How to Make Money by Creating Apps for Android Platform

The first thing that you should keep in mind before creating an Android app is to generate an awesome functionality of the Android app. Your app must be based on a great idea that is brainstormed by involving a lot of research. If you think that by providing general functionality to the end-users, you can create a successful Android app then you are wrong. You must provide new and unique features to the Android marketplace. This is the only way by which your app will stand out in a huge competition that is present among millions of apps on the play store. You can create Android apps in two ways. You can either select the option of creating the entire Android app by yourself. This method is a little time consuming and you will also require a strong grasp of the programming languages to make Android apps from scratch. There is another option present for you and this option is an easy one. You can use the Appsgeyser platform for creating Android apps. This platform constantly supports the creation of Android apps by providing a variety of different templates to the end-users. The users of this platform can customize and modify the Android app according to their demands. This platform provides great help from the creation of the Android app to the publication of the app on the play store.

The next step that is involved after the creation of the app is the right publication of the app. The publication of the Android app makes it easy for the app to be accessed by a variety of different audiences. Your app will be distributed and made public by publishing it on any Android marketplace. One of the most favorable marketplaces for Android developers is the Google play store. This platform can be considered as the leader of all the Android marketplaces. In this way, by publishing your app on Android marketplaces, you will get a target audience for your Android app.

4 Options for Monetizing the Android App

You have to wait for some time after publishing an Android app to start the monetization program for your app. Because it is necessary for you that you should have a lot of user ratio along with user retention rate of your Android app at a single time to enable the monetization option for your Android app. The monetization option only works if you have some target audience and active users for your Android app. Below is the detail of some ways by which you can make money by your Android apps:

  1. Using the Appsgeyser monetization program

If you are going for the easy option by creating Android apps after using the Appsgeyser platform, then it will provide you a monetization program automatically. If you will have a good usage ratio regarding your Android app, and then this platform automatically turns on the advertisement inside your Android apps. In this way, you will be able to create great revenue by using this platform for your Android apps.

  1. Publish your Android app on Play Store

One of the easiest ways by which you can make money for your Android app is to publish it on a reputable Android marketplace such as google play store. You can use different kinds of monetization strategies such as in-app purchasing and in-app advertisement to generate revenue from your Android app. Almost all the free versions of apps that are published on the Google Play store involved in-app purchasing or in-app advertisement. These two methods are used by free versions of Android apps to generate revenue. 

  1. Sell your Android app to different clients

Many developers consider creating Android apps for a client as a secondary income for them. You have to always create a great android app for selling it in the android marketplace. This strategy of Android app monetization involves that you will sell your Android app to potential clients. For creating an Android app, you should always search about the different user requirements. In order to give convenience to the users, you will create an app that will conform to the user requirements. You will sell your Android app directly to potential customers. If your Android app provides great functionality and amazing user experience, then many people will buy it and you can always sell it to people at a set price. If you are using the Appsgeyser platform, then first you have to select a great template that will fulfill your app requirements. In the second step, you will create a contract with the client. In this way, the client will highlight his business requirements regarding the Android app. You will carefully keep all the requirements in mind so that the end product will conform with requirements. By creating the Android app to fulfill the needs of the users, you will submit your Android app directly to the clients. You will use the Appsgeyser dashboard for submitting the app. In this way, you will make direct contact with the client and you will sell your Android app. You will require an APK file for transferring the app to the client. If you are using the Appsgeyser platform, then this platform will automatically provide you the APK file of your android app.

  1. Show advertisement in your Android app

You might have heard that many times people use affiliated advertisements inside the Android app to generate revenue. But this is not always true. You can always use integrated advertisements instead of affiliated advertisements inside your Android app. In this way, you can always display localized businesses in the form of advertisements in your Android app. You can not only sell the advertising space on your Android app but also you will be able to earn revenue from it. You have to first find partners that will provide you the advertisement.  Similarly, you will also have to plan the advertising strategy for specifying how much you will charge for the advertisement and how you will place the advertisement inside the Android app. In order to keep everything clear and consistent, you should use a contract for writing all the advertising strategies and business-related information.


Everyone dreams about generating handsome revenue by creating Android apps. If you want to be a successful Android app developer then you should create an app based on a great idea and you should use proper monetization strategies to ensure that your app will give you some profit. Different monetization strategies can be used for earning revenue from Android apps. You can always use in-app purchasing and in-app advertisement in your Android apps to earn revenue. You can use the Appsgeyser platform for automatically turning on the monetization option if your Android app hits a large user ratio. Similarly, you can always incorporate integrated advertisements inside your android app. You can also sell your Android apps to potential clients for earnings and revenue. By using these strategies, you can earn great revenue from your android app.