Mobile apps


Synthetic Voice and Voice Cloning

With an expansion in the ways through which marketers find and target new audiences, companies need to maintain a recognizable and consistent identity across platforms. The contemporary business world is steadily moving towards audio-only mediums like podcasts in addition to visual and audio-visual mediums like banner advertisements, videos, and social media posts. Besides having a […]


Benefits of an interactive virtual 360 tour for your business

A good marketing strategy and a high engagement by customers are primary tools for gaining profits. However, you cannot facilitate your clients 24/7 by providing a tour of your business or real estate. New technology is roaming around to overcome this issue with multiple benefits. That technology for creating more potential clients is an interactive […]


Top Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

Although React Native has only been around since 2015, it has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for software development and mobile app development. In fact, React Native is now used by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb. So, what exactly is React Native? Will it […]


What is embedded software?

Most of us work on various digital devices, laptops, PCs, and mobile phones for numerous things using the software. This software is more of backend processes rather than the front end. One such software that makes our interaction with digital devices easy is embedded software.  Embedded software is a type of software that is embedded […]