
How To Boost Ad Click Rates Through Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checker

Digital marketing is getting nuanced every day because of the volume of data being generated every hour. The reason behind this revolution is the exponential rise in smartphone users. While a few users are aware of the technology and know how to go around the ads, many of them prefer targeted ads as a result of their organic search. Google ensures that the ad it displays is relevant in the context, which boosts the business of publishers.

However, engaging Google’s ad service is not enough. For example, you can control your ad strategy from your phone with Clever Ads Manager. Also one must understand how to increase the rank of their ad to ensure a good position on the search page. This process is known as Search Engine Optimization. SEO is an important part of the digital market because it ensures a better click and conversion rate. There are many tools that are used for SEO.

Usually, organizations engage third-party service providers to optimize their campaigns. However, if you are tight on the marketing budget, you can explore some cheaper yet efficient ways to optimize your advertisement.

But we would still recommend you invest in an ad data analytics service to get important metrics. This will help you optimize your ad in accordance with the trend. Now, the best way to improve ad click rate is to ensure Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checkers. If you are new to this, don’t break a sweat! In this article, we will discuss everything about search extensions and why they are important for ad campaigns.

What are Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checker?

Before getting too technical in this article, let’s discuss the fundamentals. We must understand what actually are Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checkers. First of all, these are different from Chrome extensions, so let’s get that out of our way. Now, if you are a standard search engine user, you must have noticed that sometimes when you do an organic search, the first few links are sponsored or advertisements.

If you observe closely, you will notice that some of these links contain more than generic information. The generic information pertains to the title tag, website URL, and a brief description of the landing page. Some of the results contain more than the aforementioned information.

This information pertains to links to the sub-heads within the landing page and so on. This extra information is known as Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checker. Search extension can be very useful for your campaign. First of all, by investing in Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checkers, you can push your competitor’s URL further down in the search result. Secondly, Google has released a report stating that campaigns with Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checkers experience a 10-15% rise in ad clicks. If you run a business, you must understand the gravity of this number.

How to set up Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checker for your ad?

It would be unfair on our part if we cover all the theories but don’t provide you with the information that will give you the most bang for your bucks. We understand that you are desperately waiting for the information on setting up the extension. Before laying out the procedure for you, we want you to note that extensions are of different types, so you must know what kind of extension will work best for your campaign. Now, here is how to set up a search extension:

  1. Open Google ad URL and log in to your account.
  2. Now, in the Menu section, go to the Extensions tab. When you click on the tab, you will see a lot of options regarding the kind of extension you want.
  3. From the dropdown section, click on the extension that you think will work the best for you. Remember, each extension will require you to furnish a different kind of business data.

What are the different types of Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checker?

We have been fussing about how there are different types of Search Ads Keyword Popularity Checkers, so it was important to educate you on the subject. In this part, we will provide descriptive information about different types of search extensions offered by Google Ads, so you can make an informed decision:

  1. Snippet extensions: Snippets, as the name suggests, provide teaser information about the services you offer. This extension pertains to the information about unique services that a user will experience if he goes to your landing site. For example, if you are running a campaign about an educational institution, you can add snippets like management, law, engineering, etc.
  1. Site link extension: Site link extension provides extra information about the various sub-links within the published website. This allows the user to navigate directly to the page that he did the organic search for, thereby improving the conversion rate. So, if you run an e-commerce business dealing in fashion, you can create a site link extension providing links to shoes, accessories, etc.
  1. Call and message extensions: These extensions can be engaged to provide additional contact information like phone number, message number, email, etc. This helps the user to reach out to your organization directly.

These are some of the popular extensions used by campaign managers. Other than this, you may also use price extension, callout extension, location, and app extensions for better reach.