
Questions From Users: How Do I Get an APK?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that a number of users are confused as to what an .apk is and how to get it. In order to help everyone all at once, I thought I’d clear it up here.

What is an APK?

An .apk is an Android PacKage. It’s a type of file that an Android phone or tablet reads and knows is an app.

Why do I need an APK?

The .apk file is the app file. That is, when someone downloads your .apk file, they can use it to install the app on their phone. It’s like an installation file.

How do I get an APK?

There’s that question again. Getting an .apk file is the goal of the AppsGeyser app creation process. When you’ve made your app, you’ll need to get the .apk file to your computer in order to upload it to Google Play.

To download your .apk file, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your app’s link or shortlink (e.g. http://www.appsgeyser.com/175337)
  2. Go to the green DOWNLOAD APP button, and left-click on it. Right-click on the ‘download’ link in the page text. (If you use a regular left-click on the DOWNLOAD APP button the app will download to wherever your browser puts downloads, and you may have difficulty finding it later.)
  3. From the download link’s right-click menu, select Save Link as… (In some browsers, this may say Save Target as…)
    How to get your APK file
  4. Save the file to a location on your computer that you will remember. Don’t worry too much, though. If you lose it, you can always download it again.