
Simple Methods to Make Money on the Internet

Making money on the internet is not that difficult, thanks to all the available methods. Even if you lack particular skills, you can pick an idea and learn it. Once you get the basics down, move on to more complicated aspects.

To start, you will need an idea. If you’re eager to discover straightforward ways to earn money online, this article presents simple methods that can guide you. For those interested in creating additional income streams, consider exploring opportunities like custom greeting card printing with Gelato.

Sell Custom Merch

Custom merchandise is quite popular these days. People invest in t-shirts or hoodies to wear and express their views; companies get matching t-shirts and ask employees to wear them to raise team spirit; politicians need stickers, pens, caps, and other knick-knacks for their political campaigns; sports teams need matching uniforms when they are playing.

Even a random person might want to get a beautiful cup to enjoy their coffee or tea more. So whether you decide to customize mugs, t-shirts, hoodies, caps, face masks, or other merchandise, there is money to be made so long as you offer quality products with great designs.

If you need it, do not hesitate to hire a professional graphic designer and turn the business idea into a joint venture. And in case you need inspiration for some product ideas, check out the list of the top 10 items sold on Printify

Complete Online Surveys

There are hardly any easier methods to make money online than by filling out online surveys. On average, it takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete one survey. Therefore, you should manage about five in an hour.

A survey pays between 2 to 4 bucks, which is not that bad when you consider how many surveys you can complete in an hour. 

Of course, the pay itself seems lackluster compared to other jobs, but if you have an hour or so to spare now and then and would like to put that time to good use, i.e., making money, then online surveys should be one of the things to consider.

Become a Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant can be a lot of fun if you find a reasonable employer and do not end up working on the same old boring tasks. 

The demand for virtual assistants is there because quite a few people cannot finish their tasks in time, and hiring a pair of helping hands is more efficient than working overtime and becoming too tired.

You can look for VA gigs on Fiverr, Upwork, freelancer groups on social media, and online forums.

Also, it is worth noting that you should not expect to receive a decent salary early on because employers will need some time to figure out whether they can trust you and whether you are committed to the job. 

Once you get past the training period, you can expect to receive more money and more important tasks.

Keep in mind that working as a virtual administrative assistant and impressing your employer will also help you in the future if you decide to look for another job because you will have a recommendation from a person who hired you as a VA.

Create Educational Content

Online education was on the rise before the pandemic because quite a few adults were eager to learn new skills or improve their current repertoire for a better career or self-satisfaction.

Covid-19 flipped the job market and forced quite a few layoffs. After leaving their old jobs, people started looking for new opportunities, and the odds of finding a different place of employment would increase if the person looking for work possessed the necessary skills.

There is no need to attend university or college to learn various crafts. No, one can find a plethora of courses on the internet.

Since there is a demand for online education, you could be one of the people creating courses and selling them on Skillshare or Udemy. Or, as an alternative, creating a YouTube channel and monetizing it instead.

Stream on YouTube or Twitch TV

Streaming is another possible method to improve your finances. If you are entertaining or talented, create a channel on Twitch TV or YouTube and give trying a go.

Building an audience and streaming consistently are bound to attract viewers who will be happy to support you by donating money and encouraging you to continue streaming. 

Start Blogging

Some might treat their blogs as a hobby rather than a source of income, but quality articles and consistency can turn a simple blog into a great way to make money. 

If you decide to blog, do not rush with putting ads on the site to monetize it. Quite a few people use ad blockers. Besides, ads slow down a website’s loading speed and ruin the reader’s experience.

Instead, look for other monetization methods, such as creating a Patreon page or publishing sponsored content.