
Three Steps to Building an App Business from Scratch

One basic question that almost all the developers have in mind is that whether they should develop apps for Android or iOS platform? In fact, there are a number of reasons that prompt the developers to develop apps for Android platforms rather than the iOS platform. The android platform comes with a lot of benefits. Android platform provides portability. Android studio is one of the easiest tools that can be used for developing Android apps. Android platform is an open platform that makes it very easy for the developers to create, modify, and update the app easily. One captivating feature of building apps for Android is that it provides access to the google play store. Google Play store facilitates the distribution of Android apps to the target audience. Therefore, if you will start as a developer and you select the Android platform as your choice of development then you will get huge advantages. Many people think that creating and app businesses is a tedious process. In fact, creating an app business is not that difficult. You can easily turn your great ideas into multiple apps and then make an app business from them. Keep reading this article for getting insights about how you can turn your app ideas into a successful business. Nowadays, many companies are making apps for the Android platform. I will write down quick and easy steps in this article by following which you can turn your app ideas into a successful app business.

3 steps for building your app business

If you think that creating a single app will open the new doors of revenue and success for you then you are mistaken. It is very unlikely that a single app that you create will earn profits and will become a great success in the Android marketplace. You have to be realistic. You need to provide multiple apps on the Android marketplace with unique and captivating features to capture the attention of the audience. Making a single app and then relying on it for success is a waste of time. You can follow the below-mentioned steps to turn your app ideas into an app business:

1. Brainstorm an idea

An app is nothing without a great idea behind it. As a developer, you should invest your time in brainstorming great ideas and new features that will be beneficial to the target audience. You can see many similar apps on the Google play store at a single time. Nowadays, the rules and regulations of publication of an app on the Google play store are very strict. An app must provide unique functionality that is new for the target audience for it to be approved and reviewed by the Google play store. Therefore, and the first step before the creation of an app is to brainstorm a great idea. You have to research new ways and methods by which you can introduce an app in the market. Also, keep in mind that you are going to create multiple apps for a single idea therefore invest your time wisely in searching for proper niches that will give you different separate apps in the future. For example, take a technical app that will provide the latest technology news to the audience at all times.

Example: Niche – newborn babies

2. Make sure that there will be a target audience for using the app

Why do we create apps? The sole purpose of creating different apps on the Android platform is to facilitate and provide convenience to the end-users. An app is nothing if there would be no target audience for it. Therefore, whenever you research different ideas for your Android apps, make sure that there would be an audience and they would like to use it. For our particular app of “Technical news-based app”, the audience of the app will be:

  • technology students,
  •  IT professionals,
  • a general audience who likes to know about the latest technological advancements
  • IT companies.

Having a target audience for your app also ensures that the app will be downloaded and installed over the target devices of the audience. In this way, there is the chance of an app to become successful in the future and earn revenue.

3. Choose one of the methods for creating apps

As an Android developer, you have different options by which you can create your apps. One of the easiest ways of creating Android apps is to use the Android Studio software. Android studio is one of the best tools that is used by developers for native Android app development. From code creation to publication, this tool is very useful. You must be very skilled at Java programming if you want to use the Android studio for the creation of your Android app. One another way by which you can easily create your Android app and make your successful app business is to use the Appsgeyser platform. You must be now wondering about What is this platform? In easiest terms, this platform will provide you the opportunity to create captivating and great Android apps by using readymade templates. You can find more than 50 templates on this platform that can meet the requirements of any Android developer.  Different customization options are present over this platform by using which a person can easily create his own app business. For our app idea of creating a technology news app, you can use the following templates provided by Appsgeyser platform for making multiple apps and turn this single idea into an app business:

  • Wallpaper app In this template, you will use all the different photos that will be posted on your Android news app. You will highlight the different headlines in this template and make the target audience up to date with the latest news regarding technology.
  • Website app – In this app template, you will create a captivating website that will essentially serve as a blog for your Android technical news app. This template will give full hands-on experience about your technology blog to the general audience. This app will be used by the users of your app who want to learn about the full details of any particular technology news.
  • YouTube app – To facilitate your technical news app, you will create different tutorials regarding it. By using the YouTube app template, you will post the tutorials of technical concepts in the form of videos. It will greatly increase the number of your target audience and it will facilitate the users greatly.  
  • Browser app – This type of template can be used for providing detailed insights about any technology news that is posted on your technical news app. This template will provide your target audience the facility to browse through any news or blog of your app.
  • RSS app – By using this template, you will facilitate the users of your app to create an RSS based search feed regarding your technical news app. In this way, the users can search for any particular news that they will be interested in. By using RSS feed inside your Android app, you can provide customized search facilities to the users.

In this way, by using different templates provided by the Appsgeyser platform, you can create multiple apps that will support a single idea and you will become successful in creating your app business. Just keep in mind that all the apps that you will create should conform to the single idea and must be relevant to your niche.

App network

One of our major tips is that all app makers should ensure that their Android app business consists of a network of apps, a network of apps will increase your brand’s awareness and build loyalty. However, there is a difference between building a network of apps and producing a bunch of badly created and thought through apps. Today we are going to be looking at quality over quantity.

Quality Verses Quantity

It isn’t always about having a million and one ideas for app creation; sometimes having too many ideas simply confuses your entire android app business and turns what could be quality apps into one huge mess. You may have a great app, high quality that is bringing in hundreds of downloads a day and earning you a nice little revenue. However, this doesn’t mean that you should then turn all your ideas into apps and you will quickly become a millionaire. It is time to step back a focus on your Android app business plan and do not get over confident too quickly.

We are focusing just one month on building you an Android app business, you have time, you do not need to rush in and build one hundred apps in a day, afterall creating an android app with AppsGeyser only takes a few minutes, leaving you with plenty of time to concentrate on what is more important, planning your Android app business properly from the beginning. Taking your time on the first app and getting it as right as possible and then moving to app number two and so forth is all part of a process of learning. Each app will bring you a different audience, different positive attributes and also some attributes that you will need to fix before moving to your third app, this is  after all how Android app businesses work.

There are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t rush off to build many apps at once:

  1. Bad quality will ruin your reputation as an app developer
  2. Google Play will rank you low if your apps are not being used frequently
  3. Customer reviews will be affected by poor ratings
  4. Your revenue per app will begin to decrease rapidly

Building a real Android app business means taking the time to plan your business and learn from the creation of your first app before moving forth. Gather as much research and data as you can so you can understand how you can reproduce multiple versions of your app that will please your audience and ensure that they remain loyal and confident in your brand. Your goal is to create a brand that will engage your audience and this will in turn create you a nice income.


Many people dream about creating a successful Android app business and earn profit from it. To give your dreams are a reality in this regard, you should exert some effort into creating multiple Android apps. You should not rely on a single app and wait for it to become successful over the play store. Invest your time in researching about some great ideas and providing unique features to the end-users. You can create multiple Android apps by using Android studio or if you are not tech-savvy, you can simply use the Appsgeyser platform for creating multiple apps. More than 50 templates are present over this platform that can be used for creating multiple apps. Try to create multiple apps that will conform to a single idea. In this way, you can build your app business and reach a target audience to provide them the features that they require. Creating a successful app business is the only way by which you will stand ahead of the competition of android apps at google play store.