
5 Best Practices For DevSecOps To Boost A Company’s Security Operations

There are several best practices for DevSecOps that boost a company’s security operations. DevSecOps is rapidly growing as a proactive process to deliver secure software applications at scale. These security-driven methodologies answer enterprise obstacles, complexities, and challenges with a reliable model for software application delivery. In short, DevSecOps helps corporations move faster, stay innovative — while remaining secure. As a software company owner, you should know how to apply the latest best practices across your personnel, procedures, and technology infrastructure. Read on to learn the best practices for DevSecOps that boost a company’s security operations. 

Automate Early On

First and foremost, automate early-on to embrace the best practices with DevSecOps for 2022. Embracing automation directly impacts how rapidly you can get written code into production. Consider how artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used in your pipeline. To integrate security into every stage of your workflow, you’ll need to automate specific activities. Implement automated security controls and tests throughout the entire development lifecycle. Especially, if you are pushing multiple versions of new code daily, you will need automated controls to keep the application secure. This way, you can minimize risks, prevent human errors, and lower your exposure levels. Boost your devsecops security process by creating automation rules and controls early on. 

Use The Right Security Tools

In addition, using the best tools and technologies is another DevSecOps best practice for stronger security operations. There are several different, specialized devsecops security and compliance tools, which each address different areas of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Using the top solutions, teams can conduct software composition analysis (SCA), as well as perform static (SAST), dynamic (DAST), and integrative (IAST) application security testing. Plus, teams can adopt powerful resources that monitor containers for security in the runtime environments. Using these tools, software engineers can benefit from advanced fire walling and behavioral-analytics-driven abnomalies identification. Certainly, using the right tools is one of the best practices for DevSecOps to strengthen a company’s security operations.  

Conduct Security Awareness Training

Another best practice for DevSecOps security is to perform regular security awareness training. Collaborative training workshops teach employees the importance of software security and data privacy. Then, these seminars focus on the most effective strategies for uncovering, addressing, mitigating, and preventing risks. There’s a wide range of different security training programs you can choose for your team. Many of these are easily accessible online and can be administered in a remote setting. Or, you can always create your own training program from scratch. This way, they curriculum can be custom-built to align with the specific needs, goals, and priorities of your organization. Surely, conducting security awareness training is a notable DevSecOps best practice to embrace this year. 

Establish Scalable Governance 

When embracing and adopting DevSecOps, it is best practice to establish a scalable governance. To keep delivery secure, fast, and dependable, automate every possible governance activities. Traditional, manual governance models can have a serious negative impact on velocity, speed, and safety. Use governance as code (GaC) to implement stringent inspections across your SDLC. When establishing these operations, ensure that they include secure triggers for managing exceptions, controls, and escalations. To keep new automated governance models inclusive, be sure to get buy-ins, feedback, and approval from cross-departmental teams. Depending on their critiques, you can limit pipeline builds, distribute notification alerts, or pause the build entirely. Indeed, establish scalable governance to embrace the best DevSecOps practices for 2022.  

Perform Post Deployment Auditing

After deployment, you must audit your code based on events, triggers and policies. Ideally, you should perform post deployment auditing whenever code modifications are introduced. With this process in place, you can meet the infrastructure standards required by clients, industry associations, or overall best practices. Additionally, performing audits post deployment can upkeep a specific security standard or certification level. For highly sensitive data, you should prioritize regular auditing for validity and reliability. Of course, these post deployment auditing practices can lead to more secure operations and platforms.

There are several best practices for DevSecOps that can boost a company’s internal and external security operations. To start, automate everything possible with artificial intelligence. In addition, make an effort to embrace the latest security tools, resources, and technologies. Also, your company should pursue a secure, scalable governance. Plus, create a regular, recurring schedule to perform post-deployment auditing. If you aren’t already, you should also consider conducting security awareness training. Follow the points above to learn the best practices for DevSecOps that boost a company’s security operations.