
5 Key Elements of What Makes a Good App

Apps are now considered essential parts of our lives. Throughout the day, you have to use one or two of them. You either use it for transportation, checking the news, your emails, or even for working.

Currently, there are 5.6 million apps available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. With billions of downloads that are definitely prone to increasing day by day. People are coming up with new application ideas each day; some of them are useful, some are fun, and some are a mix of both. broadening the sea of choice for people even more. Among the 5.6 million applications, which is really a good one to use? What makes a good app? Depending on which criteria? When it comes to creating a successful app, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Whether you’re an app developer or just considering creating an app, it’s important to understand the basics.

In this article, we’ll outline the five essential elements that make a good and successful app. Keep these in mind as you’re planning and developing your application, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

1- A Well-Structured Market Research

Having well-structured market research is essential to understanding the target users and their preferences. It should always be conducted before starting the development of the app. It helps you determine your goal and study the potential of your app idea. It’s important for your app to be able to solve a problem or fill a gap in the market. You will also gain an in-depth understanding of the user’s needs, expectations, and behavior.

Analyzing competitors is also a great part of well-structured market research; you should be aware of how your competitors are working. and how their apps look and function, and see how those are performing in terms of downloads, user engagement, and reviews. Your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are other elements that you should take advantage of. You should also know what kind of features your users will appreciate and what features would be good to have.

Knowing what’s expected from an app in your industry will help you come up with a more focused design. and also help you make great decisions regarding the app development process, which can help you stand out from the competition.

2- Easy to Use and Unique Features

Another major thing that differentiates a good app from a poor one is the features. Features are the core component of any app. This does not imply piling up your app with features and calling it a day; it is far from that. To ensure unique and distinctive features for your app, you first have to settle on your goal and the value you want to offer your customers. The features you add must be according to the customers’ needs. You need to develop an app with features that will make customers’ lives easier and fill their needs so that they turn to use your app instead of turning to competitors.

In addition to this, you need to make sure that the features that you integrate into your app are not overly complicated or challenging to use. You do not want your customers to waste their time attempting to figure out how to use your app because it is the last thing you want them to do. The more quickly and smoothly you can get started using the app, the better. That’s why it’s important to keep features simple and straightforward.

3-Stable App Performance

Performance is incredibly important to consider when you’re making an app—it’s the reason why many people abandon apps, as 70% of mobile app users will abandon an app and never return if it takes too long to load. Performance means the speed, stability, and efficiency of your application, so you should always take care of all elements that may lessen application performance and affect the customer’s experience.

A customer should always be provided with a seamless and fast user experience; a slow or glitchy user experience is a sure way to frustrate users. You need to make sure of three things in particular: crash behaviorstartup time, and battery usage.

Think about it: no one wants to wait minutes for an app to load or click away, only to have it crash, or take up all their battery, leaving them with a drained device. When users download your application, they expect it to run smoothly and quickly with no pitfalls—and they expect these things right away. That’s why performance should be taken into account early on in the application development process. You should test your application’s performance regularly and make adjustments accordingly. Good and stable performance is critical for a successful app, so make sure that you take it seriously!

4- Engaging Design and UI in Your App

First impressions’ impact lasts forever; always think of the design and user interface as the first impression you need to master. Design and UI are the first things a user comes across and interacts with upon opening an app, so you need to make sure that you create an excellent first interaction between your app and customers.

The best apps are the ones that make you feel like you’re part of the experience. They draw you in and keep you coming back for more. Whether it’s a cool design, fun graphics, or a good color palette.

You want an application that is fun and engaging but also provides you with value. I mean, would you rather have a dull and non-engaging app or a colorful and intuitive one with great visuals? The answer is pretty obvious. The dark mode is one of the great examples of how app design and interface matter. It was first introduced in Apple’s OS update, and then some applications started integrating it into their apps. The minute they introduced the dark mode, it went viral, with the majority of users switching immediately to the dark mode. Users claim that it gives their apps a better look and edge. It is also less annoying than the bright mode.

Your application should also be user-friendly, which means that the user will not find it difficult to use or navigate within it; everything in your application should be as clear as day. A good app will have something that distinguishes it from the others on the market and that allows it to stand out among its competitors.

5- Excellent Customer Support

Good customer support is an essential part of any app’s success. After all, users will always have inquiries, need help with certain features, or have some suggestions to make. Having customer support that is easily accessible and helpful makes for a positive user experience.

Research conducted on Khoros stated that “83% of users feel more loyal to the brand after encountering a good customer support experience.” which proves that good customer support is significant once more. Whether you provide customer support through AI chatbots or through a person to give it more reliability. It’s crucial to execute it right, as it’s not something to disregard.

What makes a Good Customer Support

Good customer support starts with timely and punctual responses that answer common questions. and offer step-by-step guidance for more difficult tasks. If a user can find the answer they are looking for without speaking to anyone, they will appreciate not having to wait. and will also appreciate the care and consideration you provide.

It’s also important to have multiple channels of communication open to customers, such as email, live chat, and social media. Responding quickly and accurately to customers is always appreciated and helps engage them with your application. You can also consider another method of customer support, such as AI or using chatbots. which may help you save time while still offering a personalized experience and excellent customer care. It is important to keep in mind that the manner of customer support should be chosen in accordance with the preferences of your customers. For example, some customers may prefer to communicate with a real person as opposed to an automated chatbot, or vice versa.

In conclusion:

Now, after listing all the elements that make a good app. It is one that is useful, user-friendly, has a good design, and can offer a great customer support experience. It should also be able to stand out from the crowd and be remarkable. You can now understand that developing a good app is not some sort of magic or sorcery.

However, it needs thorough research, determination, passion, and ambition. These can guarantee you a good and successful app. The nandbox app builder can also ensure the quality and functionality of your application. The nandbox app builder is a no-code app builder where you can develop an app by just dragging and dropping the features you need. You also have a variety of templates to choose from according to your app type, or you can start one from scratch.

In addition to a variety of prominent features that can add great functionality to your app. You can accomplish all that in little time and at the lowest cost possible. So what are you waiting for? Create your successful app now!