
The Secrets To Making A Successful App: AppsGeyser App Success Story

Appsgeyser App Success Story

The number of apps being created for android has been ever increasing and we decided to take the time out to discover what it is these apps and app makers have that make their apps successful in a very short time. Thankfully, today, we can go through some of the stories to highlight a few trade secrets of certain apps that have utilized the tools available on AppsGeyser. The app in question has continued to be successful since it was first launched back in 2011.

The app success story being looked at today is none other than Bluby’s Photoshop Tutorials. This application has gotten more than 300,000 downloads since it was first launched in 2011 and the number of downloads is steadily climbing. The app was actually created using the tools made available by AppsGeyser, and that’s what makes it an AppsGeyser app success story.

The idea behind the app

Bluby’s Photoshop Tutorial app aims to aggregate tutorials focusing on solving the problems associated with Photoshop. The solutions are extremely easy. You can be the app either as a free.99 download which offers ads and restricted information. You can also get the premium app which comes free of ads and also has an extensive list of resources. 

 As stated earlier, this app’s success story was made possible thanks to the free site template tool made available by AppsGeyser. The app links to Bluby’s website, which for all intents and purposes is a simple website that was developed using images and text. It is possible that this could have been developed utilizing a no cost website maker. 

The app has a unique selling point which has most definitely aided its app success story, is the fact that this mobile app idea has been developed using a tutorial theme, whilst other apps tend to have tutorials on programs such as Adobe, Excel, and Dreamweaver. Furthermore, the app maker also created both a premium and free version of this app enhancing its ability to completely market its product to various types of customers, as well as from inside their own product. 

What is behind the success of this app?

There are several reasons behind this app’s success story. They are:

The app’s name

If there is one aspect of an app that is overlooked by most developers, it is the name of the app. Whatever app you build has to be able to be discovered amongst the competition. The name Photoshop Tutorial is as concise and clear as they come. Anyone reading the name would automatically identify what the app is and what its contents are about.

Potential for revenue

There is a direct correlation between an app being successful and the amount of revenue an app maker can make from that app. In the case of Bluby’s Photoshop Tutorials, the sheer large number of downloads themselves help to provide a steady bit of income via just advertisements.

Screenshots and Icon

The app’s screenshots and icon are both used to denote the exact content a user will get the moment they open up the application.

Integrated Ads

While it is impossible to surmise what the number of impressions this app currently gets without any inside information, it is safe to say that it does generate quite a bit of income on the integrated ads. This is down to the fact that app users typically spend an extended amount of time on the app due to its tutorial content. And the longer a user is engaged on the app, then the more impressions the app can generate. For one, AdMob Ads typically generate $1 for every 100 impressions and it is estimated that this app’s success story generates about 20 impression downloads. This might not seem like much till you factor in the fact that there are over 320,000 downloads.

The App Network

When you have a mobile app idea and make the decision to create an app, you lay the foundation for success when you also develop a family of apps that are built around a similar general theme. This can help to encourage internal marketing. When you get an app success story on one app, it could cause other apps within that network to also become downloaded. This internal advertising of similarly related apps is a widely known phenomenon. This is seen with the other Bluby apps getting thousands of downloads as well.

One to note when developing your app and creating screenshots is that you fully utilize the number of screenshot slots available to you on an OS’s app store. This visual information, when done properly can help grab the attention of any prospective users, thereby encouraging downloads.

Premium app version

Bluby’s Photoshop Tutorials also comes with a premium version for those that want a more detailed and expansive instruction into photoshop. This premium version has been purchased a couple of hundred times and give the app content; this figure is only going to rise in the future.

App updates

Perhaps one of the most integral features of app store optimization has to do with the updating value assigned to any app. This is quite pertinent for two reasons, one, Google Play tends to value app updates and uses this as a metric to know if any given app is relevant. What this means is that the more often an app is updated, the higher it is valued by Google Play, which in turn improves its ranking on the Google Playstore search. Now, the second reason is that prospective users also place value in recently updated apps, compared to apps that have not been updated in a while.

For this reason, you will start to discover a correlation between this Appsgeyser app success story and the fact that the app makers concentrated on creating value within the app, whether it be frequent updates, having both a free and premium version or simply providing content that was deemed useful and relative to the subject at hand. 

How was the premium pushed?

The app makers were able to do this by creating alerts that specifically targeted the free users. These alerts promoted the premium version of the app and the content within it. This not only boosted the conversation for the paid app but it also successfully pushed free users into making a purchase. Perhaps the most effective method to push a premium app is to highlight just a teaser of the available content, whilst including a download page link within that very alert.


Aiming to create an app success story from a mobile app idea these days is not as easy as it once was, however, if you take down the tips and steps used to create Bluby’s Photoshop Tutorials, you could also develop your own app, creating your own AppsGeyser app success story. You simply have to remember that your app must be valuable. Value in this sense does not only deal with its content, but it also deals with how frequently you update the app, if you have a premium version that dives deeper into your chosen subject matter, how your information correlates to your target audience, and more.