Category: General


The 10 Best-Selling Games on Steam This Year

Every year has something new to offer in all categories of life. How can tech not be a part of it? Games make up a bulk part of tech revolutions and contribute into a big market sale asset.  As gaming is becoming more popular among people, the developers are bringing better formulated games, and it […]

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How to Spot Phishing Before It’s Too Late

The internet has brought a new level of ease and convenience to our lives. Whether you want to watch movies, jump on a video call with friends and family, or work from anywhere in the world, you can do so at the click of a button — all thanks to the internet. The internet has […]

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How to create a promo video for social media platforms

Businesses have benefitted the most in this digital age, where the world has gone completely online in every aspect. They will continue to do so even in the future ahead, owing to the huge chunk of the population using social media platforms. It has drastically changed our lives, especially for companies that have transformed the […]

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10 Apps To Create INCREDIBLE Collages – UPDATED 2024

A few years ago, creating collages required one to possess amazing editing skills. It also consumed a lot of time and effort. This has so far changed. You can create a collage within a few seconds or minutes using a collage application. With these apps, you can show or share many photos on the same […]

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How To Build a Website From Scratch: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

A 2022 survey by Top Design Firms revealed that 27% of small businesses don’t have a website. However, 86% of those businesses plan to build one soon. That’s because a website helps you build an online presence. You can go from selling locally to selling globally overnight. The best part is that you don’t need […]

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How Mobile Applications Are Changing The Fintech Industry?

Mobile applications are making our lives easier by automating many tasks for us in different industries. Mobile App Development company in Dubai has also transformed the fintech sector.  Though technology had been there in the financial industry, its spread was slow. Few people were responding to it. But fintech mobile apps have changed that. As […]

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