
Converting Websites to Mobile Apps: A Beginner’s Guide to Free Tools

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Need to Convert Websites into Mobile Apps
  2. Exploring Free Tools for Converting Websites into Apps
  3. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Convert a Website into an Android App Using Appsgeyser
  4. Customizing the Look and Feel of Your App for Enhanced User Experience
  5. Benefits of Converting Your Website into a Mobile App: A Closer Look
  6. Overcoming Common Challenges in the Conversion Process
  7. Case Study: Successful Website-to-App Transformations Using Free Tools
  8. Maintaining and Updating Your App Post Conversion


In today’s digital landscape, businesses need to establish a mobile presence to stay relevant and competitive. Converting websites into mobile apps has become essential to cater to the growing trend of mobile internet users. This transformation not only offers convenience to consumers but also provides businesses with numerous benefits, such as faster load times, offline access, and the ability to send push notifications. In this article, we will explore the need to convert websites into mobile apps and the advantages it brings to businesses. We will also discuss real-world examples of successful website-to-app transformations and explore free tools available for converting websites into apps. By understanding the benefits and challenges of this conversion process, business owners can make informed decisions and harness the power of mobile technology to enhance their online presence and engage with their target audience effectively

1. Understanding the Need to Convert Websites into Mobile Apps

In an era where the digital landscape is predominately navigated via mobile devices, it’s essential for businesses to establish a mobile presence. This is not simply a luxury, but a fundamental requirement to stay relevant and competitive. The shift towards the mobile platform is largely driven by the convenience it offers to the consumers, who now prefer to access the internet on their handheld devices.

Consider the example of Bumrunrad International Hospital, a renowned healthcare provider that serves over a million patients from around 190 countries annually. Recognizing the significant number of smartphone users, which accounts for 71% of the Thai population, the hospital saw a golden opportunity to extend its services to a mobile platform. The goal was to provide an accessible, engaging and user-friendly experience to their patients, right at their fingertips.

Partnering with Oozou, a team of design-driven engineers and creatives, Bumrungrad developed a native app for both iOS and Android platforms. The app was designed to integrate seamlessly with the hospital’s website, offering features like easy bookings, a doctor search function, and multiple pathways for user interaction. The project, initially expected to span over six sprints, extended to eight, highlighting the challenges encountered and overcome during the development and integration process.

The app’s interface, encompassing over 200 screens, was designed to be clean and legible, reflecting Bumrungrad’s corporate identity. It was equipped with shortcuts on the home screen for easy access to core features like booking appointments, finding doctors, and linking patient profiles. A unique feature was the guided questionnaire that assisted users unsure of their symptoms to find a suitable doctor.

Similarly, the e-commerce platform Shopee, leading in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, prioritized the delivery of a seamless experience for its users. They implemented deep links to connect webpages to corresponding app pages, providing a unified shopping experience. This strategy resulted in a significant increase in app traffic, with a 126% rise in checkouts.

These real-world examples highlight the immense potential and benefits of converting a website into a mobile app. The transition not only caters to the growing trend of mobile internet users but also provides a more engaging and user-friendly experience. It offers additional advantages like faster load times, offline access, and the ability to send push notifications, all of which can significantly boost customer engagement and retention. As a business owner, it’s imperative to harness these benefits to stay ahead in today’s digital age

2. Exploring Free Tools for Converting Websites into Apps

The field of website to application conversion tools is extensive and diverse, providing a myriad of choices for business proprietors looking to convert their web content into mobile apps. Appsgeyser has established itself as a user-friendly option in this landscape, particularly for those new to the world of application development. The platform’s simplicity, with its offering of over 35 free customizable app templates designed for different industries, makes it an appealing choice. Users are guided through the process of app creation, publication, and monetization, reducing the complexities typically associated with app development.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to understand the wider context of this market. Other significant players include gonative, webtoappdesign, convertify, wordpresstoapp, webtoapplication, and web2apk. Each of these platforms has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The decision between them should be based on your unique requirements and situation.

For instance, while gonative promises customization, it can be somewhat intricate to use. Their “full service app configuration” boasts native components but may come with a hefty price tag. Conversely, webtoappdesign offers apps with native design elements, dynamically generated using artificial intelligence. Their pricing is reasonable, and they also provide a 30-day free trial and a 14-day full refund guarantee.

Convertify, wordpresstoapp, webtoapplication, and web2apk offer basic apps that display a website using a webview component. However, apps that merely display a website in a webview may not meet the acceptance criteria of the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. To gain acceptance in these app stores, an app must incorporate native design elements that adhere to the design guidelines of Apple and Google. Regrettably, convertify has been criticized for issues such as app rejection, lack of a refund policy, and concerns over security and privacy.

Swing2app, a South Korean app builder, is another platform worthy of mention. It allows users to create an app for free, albeit with certain limitations. While it cannot be published on app stores without payment, and the “free commercial version” plan includes Swing2app ads, Swing2app distinguishes itself from other no code builder platforms by allowing users to download the APK version of their app in the free plan.

While Appsgeyser is a simple and user-friendly platform, it’s crucial to assess other alternatives based on your unique needs, budget, and technical expertise. The process of converting your website into an app is a strategic decision that involves careful consideration of various factors, including cost, user experience, app store acceptance, and potential return on investment. Remember, each tool has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so thorough evaluation and comparison based on your specific requirements and preferences is recommended

3. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Convert a Website into an Android App Using Appsgeyser

The journey of transforming your existing website into an Android application can be effortlessly accomplished with the aid of AppsGeyser. The process initiates with the selection of a suitable template that matches your specific needs. This step is followed by keying in your website’s URL and customizing the design and layout of your application to your preference. Once satisfied with the look and functionality of your application, it’s time to unveil it to the world via the Google Play Store.

AppsGeyser, with its all-encompassing instructions and visual template tools, simplifies the entire process. These resources enable even those with minimal to no prior experience to successfully craft an application.

AppsGeyser is a complimentary app creator that facilitates the swift and easy conversion of any website into an Android app. The platform provides a range of over 35 free app templates designed to cater to various needs such as business, lifestyle, entertainment, and games.

To help you customize your app, AppsGeyser offers an app maker tool. This tool enables you to effortlessly create and personalize your app’s design by selecting from various templates, colors, and fonts. Furthermore, you can incorporate your own images and logos to add a personal touch to your app.

The platform offers detailed tutorials and guides on app creation, publication, and monetization. For a small fee, you can gain access to additional premium features, including ad removal and custom branding.

With a large user base, AppsGeyser sees the creation of 7,000 apps each day and a total of over 6 million apps globally. This makes it an ideal platform for small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs seeking to quickly and affordably create a mobile app.

When your app is ready for launch, it can be published on any existing app market for Android users, such as the Google Play Store. Multiple avenues are available to monetize your app, including advertising, referral marketing, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and sponsorships.

AppsGeyser provides resources, support, and a knowledge base to guide users through the app creation process. The platform does not necessitate any additional app creation software and can be accessed online with a stable internet connection. AppsGeyser serves as a comprehensive solution for creating, publishing, and monetizing your Android app

4. Customizing the Look and Feel of Your App for Enhanced User Experience

The path to creating an exceptional app is paved with a strong emphasis on user experience. Leveraging tools like Appsgeyser can enable you to embed your brand identity within your app, establishing a visually enticing and user-friendly interface that resonates with your customers. The customization process is inclusive of various elements, from the selection of an appropriate template to choosing a color scheme that aligns with your brand, and incorporating your logo for a genuine touch.

Appsgeyser offers a range of templates specifically designed for brand identity customization. Users can access these via the Appsgeyser website to tailor their app’s aesthetics to their unique requirements, creating a personalized and engaging user interface.

The modern world of Android development values a declarative approach to UI, with a strong emphasis on the simplicity of Kotlin. Tools such as Compose for Teams can facilitate the transition to this contemporary approach, empowering you to develop an app that not only looks good but also delivers high performance. Android caters to a variety of app categories and a range of devices, including phones, tablets, and watches, providing a unique opportunity to reach a broader audience and cater to their specific needs.

The importance of designing a user interface in adherence to Android’s best practices cannot be overstated. It’s not just about creating an attractive app, but also building one that is robust, testable, and maintainable. Your app should deliver on four key pillars: core value, user experience, technical quality, and privacy and security. Excelling in these areas can distinguish your app and increase its chances of being featured on Google Play.

Various training courses and tutorials are available to help you understand Kotlin for Android, while tools like Android Studio and Jetpack Compose are at your disposal to streamline the development process. Figma kits for Android Material Design and Wear OS provide useful resources for designing the app UI, delivering a comprehensive guide to achieving a stunning user interface.

Quality assurance plays a central role in app development, and it’s crucial to create apps that cater to different markets and entry-level devices, like Android Go Edition. Your app should be optimized for different form factors and screen sizes, including non-mobile form factors like tablets, foldables, and watches. Android provides specific guidelines to assist developers in delivering high-quality user experiences across these different form factors.

Lastly, crafting a top-notch store presence, inclusive of compelling marketing assets, can significantly boost your app promotion efforts. With the right planning and understanding of best practices and requirements, you can create an app that not only meets but surpasses customer expectations, driving conversions and nurturing brand loyalty

5. Benefits of Converting Your Website into a Mobile App: A Closer Look

Adapting your website into a mobile application brings an array of benefits to your business. This transformation enhances your user experience, offering rapid loading times, offline operation capabilities, and an interactive platform. It also enables you to establish a direct communication channel with your users via push notifications, keeping them updated with the latest news and offers.

An additional advantage of this transformation is the expansion of your online visibility and reach. This is achieved by leveraging tools like Appsgeyser, which simplifies the app development process, eliminating the need for expensive and time-consuming procedures.

Despite the seeming complexity and cost, many entrepreneurs are exploring mobile app development. This is because the advantages far outweigh the initial investment. The development of a mobile app unlocks a new market of potential customers who prefer mobile apps, offering valuable user data for targeted advertising and personalized services.

Moreover, mobile apps can incorporate unique features such as live chat and native functions that enhance user engagement. There are several methods to convert a website into an app, including Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), hybrid mobile apps, React Native, and native or cross-platform app development.

While the initial cost of this transformation can vary based on the chosen technology and developer rates, it can be a cost-effective solution for businesses on a budget. As the app gains traction, a native app can be considered for future development.

It’s important to note that the original website and the adapted app will coexist. The app will request specific information from the server based on user access. This necessitates removing page reloads, adapting to different rendering engines, integrating new analytics, implementing navigational and UI changes, providing local memory and cache logic, and adding loading logic.

In essence, transforming a website into an app can be a complex process, but the benefits it brings to your business are substantial. It offers a new avenue to engage with your customers, increases your online footprint, and leverages the power of mobile technology. With the right tools and strategies, you can transform your website into an app that provides an exceptional user experience and drives business growth

6. Overcoming Common Challenges in the Conversion Process

The transformation of a website into an app may seem straightforward, particularly when using platforms like AppsGeyser. However, the path is not devoid of obstacles. One must ensure compatibility across diverse devices and screen sizes, maintain vigilant attention to performance and security, and constantly update the app to meet fluctuating user expectations and technological progress.

Despite these challenges appearing intimidating, it’s essential to keep in mind that with the correct guidance, tools, and resources, each hurdle can be overcome. For instance, many eCommerce businesses often voice concerns regarding the cost and complexity of managing multiple platforms. However, the potential advantages of mobile app development are worth contemplating.

Mobile apps introduce a new user demographic, significantly enhancing traffic and conversions. They also yield a plethora of user data, including demographics and location, which can be harnessed for targeted advertising and personalized services.

Furthermore, mobile apps provide a more engaging and interactive user experience. Features such as push notifications, click-to-call, and live chat exemplify how apps can amplify customer engagement.

There exist several strategies for converting a website into an app, including progressive web apps (PWAs), hybrid mobile apps, React Native, and native or cross-platform app development. Tools such as Cordova can encapsulate a website into a mobile app, although the performance may not be on par with that of a native app.

Adapting a website into an app requires alterations. This involves eliminating page reloads, adjusting to different rendering engines, integrating new analytics, implementing navigation and UI, providing local memory and cache logic, and supplying loading logic.

It’s crucial to note that the original website will persist separately and will require its updates independent of the app. The cost of this process fluctuates based on the chosen features and technology. However, utilizing a converter or cross-platform development can be a more cost-effective option compared to native development.

Transforming a website into an app may necessitate some trade-offs in performance and quality. However, it can serve as a cost-effective solution for businesses aspiring to broaden their reach and enhance their user experience. Future development considerations encompass ongoing support and maintenance, as well as the potential transition to a native app for an improved user experience.

In essence, while the journey to converting a website into an app is fraught with challenges, these can be efficiently managed and surmounted. With the correct resources and a strategic approach, businesses can successfully navigate this journey and harvest the benefits of a mobile app.

Keeping abreast of the latest trends in app development is crucial. Platforms like AppsGeyser offer valuable resources and tools for creating and converting apps. Regular visits to their website can provide access to the most recent information, updates, and insights in the app development field. The platform’s help center also offers suggestions and guidance on creating and optimizing apps, making it a valuable resource for businesses embarking on the journey of app development

7. Case Study: Successful Website-to-App Transformations Using Free Tools

Reflecting on successful website-to-app transformations, we find two remarkable stories – those of Airrosti and GasBuddy. Airrosti, a US-based pain relief and physical therapy service provider, decided to extend its reach beyond physical clinics by launching a telehealth mobile app in 2020. For this, they partnered with Thoughtbot, a company known for creating custom Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Extensive research and interviews were conducted to inform the app’s design and improve user experience.

Airrosti formed a dedicated team for their provider-driven therapy solution, the Airrosti Remote Recovery (ARR). Working closely with Thoughtbot, they developed a new MVP mobile app using React Native. The app combined various processes into a single application, simplifying the user experience. Launched in December 2021, the app was well-received, and Airrosti plans to further improve the app, focusing on patient engagement and seamless communication between patients and providers.

Another success story comes from GasBuddy, an app offering real-time fuel pricing information to over 60 million users. They wanted to offer more than just fuel prices by including features such as reviews, discounts, and recommendations. To achieve this, GasBuddy collaborated with a design team to enhance their existing iOS and Android interfaces. The team conducted a product design sprint and introduced significant navigation and information architecture changes, improving price reporting and user engagement.

The redesign focused on decluttering the interface and using native design patterns to increase feature discoverability and engagement. Tools like Marvel and UserTesting.com were used to gather feedback, and Zeplin was used to collaborate with the mobile developers during the redesign execution.

These stories demonstrate the potential of tools like AppsGeyser in helping businesses extend their online presence and reach their target audience. AppsGeyser is a user-friendly platform that allows users to convert their websites into mobile apps without any coding or technical expertise. It offers a range of customization options and allows users to publish their apps on popular app stores such as Google Play Store.

AppsGeyser also offers analytics tools to track and analyze the performance of their apps. Regular updates and improvements are released, ensuring that users have access to the latest features and technology. Customer support is also provided to assist users with any questions or issues during the app creation process.

To have a successful website-to-app transformation using AppsGeyser, it is essential to gather all the required information about your website, including its URL and domain. Following the instructions and guidelines provided by AppsGeyser, and using any available scripts or code snippets to enhance the app’s functionality and appearance, can contribute to a successful transformation. If there are any issues or if further assistance is needed, users can refer to the help center or search for relevant resources on the AppsGeyser website.

These cases highlight the importance of user-centered design, collaboration with external partners, and iterative design processes in creating a modern and engaging mobile app experience. They also underscore the potential of platforms like AppsGeyser in helping businesses extend their online presence and effectively reach their target audience

8. Maintaining and Updating Your App Post Conversion

Maintaining the relevance and efficiency of your Android app is a key determinant to its long-term success. This requires continuous maintenance and updates to guarantee optimal performance and a secure user experience. The aspects that call for your constant vigilance range from bug fixes and the addition of new features, to updating the app’s design and content to stay in sync with the evolving user expectations and technological advancements.

Android Studio, a specific integrated development environment (IDE) for Android development, is an instrumental tool in managing and updating your app. It comes equipped with features and tools that simplify the process of app maintenance, allowing your app to consistently deliver a high-quality user experience.

The modern Android development landscape leans heavily on the use of a declarative approach for user interface (UI) and the simplicity of Kotlin. This approach empowers you to make changes to your app’s UI in a quick and efficient manner. Additionally, Kotlin simplifies the coding process, thus making it easier to introduce new features and fix bugs.

Apart from Android Studio, there’s a wealth of resources such as training courses and tutorials to help you stay abreast with the latest Android development practices. These resources span a wide array of topics, from creating your first app to expanding your app to different devices like phones, tablets, watches, and more.

Moreover, Android Studio offers design kits for Android Material Design and Wear OS to aid in your app UI design. This implies that you can frequently update your app’s design to align with the latest trends and user expectations.

Another fundamental aspect of app maintenance is ensuring a robust, testable, and maintainable architecture for your app. This involves meticulous planning and aligning your app quality with the Play Store guidelines, with a focus on aspects such as user experience, technical quality, privacy, and security.

Not to forget, marketing assets also contribute to the quality of your app. Keeping these assets updated can amplify your app’s visibility on Google Play, thereby attracting more users.

In addition to Android Studio, AppsGeyser is another platform that can be used to maintain your Android app. Regularly updating your app with the latest features and bug fixes is a key best practice. AppsGeyser provides regular updates to their platform, so it’s important to stay informed and implement any necessary updates to your app. Before making any changes to your app, thoroughly testing it is advisable to ensure everything is working as expected. This can help identify any potential issues or bugs before they affect your users. Keep an eye on your app’s performance metrics, such as loading times and crash reports to identify any performance issues and take the necessary steps to optimize your app. Actively listening to user feedback and addressing any concerns or issues raised by your app users can help improve the overall user experience and retain your app’s user base. Stay updated with AppsGeyser’s guidelines to ensure that your app complies with the platform’s requirements.

In essence, the longevity and success of your Android app hinge on regular maintenance and updates. By leveraging tools like Android Studio and AppsGeyser, and staying updated with the latest Android development practices, you can ensure that your app continues to meet user expectations and deliver a top-notch experience


The main points discussed in this article revolve around the need to convert websites into mobile apps and the advantages it brings to businesses. The examples of Bumrunrad International Hospital and Shopee showcase the potential benefits of this transformation, including convenience for consumers, faster load times, offline access, and the ability to send push notifications. The article also explores free tools available for converting websites into apps, such as Appsgeyser, gonative, webtoappdesign, convertify, wordpresstoapp, webtoapplication, and web2apk.

In conclusion, converting websites into mobile apps is crucial for businesses to stay relevant and competitive in today’s digital landscape. It offers a more convenient and engaging experience for consumers while providing numerous benefits for businesses. By utilizing free tools like Appsgeyser and considering other alternatives based on their specific needs and preferences, business owners can harness the power of mobile technology to enhance their online presence and effectively engage with their target audience.

To start converting your website into a mobile app today, start now