
Difference Between C And C++

Do you know what is the difference between C and C++ programming languages? Have you ever thought what can be the possible difference between C and C++ programming languages? Let’s know what is the basic difference between C and C++ programming languages.

But before we start making a list of C vs C++, let’s first know why there is a need to know the difference between C and C++ programming languages.

For that, let’s assume one scenario:

Suppose, you need to go to Kolkata from Hyderabad. There are two possibilities are present in this case. One is that you can avail yourself of the train to Kolkata. Or you can book the ticket for the flight. Now, what will you choose? And how will you choose the mode of your journey?

For that reason, you need to know the basic differences between the two modes. Then it will be easy for you to choose the correct form which suits you. Also, if you have previous experience with both modes of the journey, it will guide you to select the correct form of the journey. 

If you can’t able to select the right one which suits you best, you can find difficulties on your way to Kolkata. And that will make a problem. If you are looking for Coding Homework Help then you can hire best experts online at codingzap.

The same thing happens to the programming language also. If you were unable to choose the correct programming language while developing any program, you can find difficulties in the future. That is why it is important to know about C vs C++.

What Is C Programming Language:

The C programming language is very fundamental. It is the easiest among all the programming languages available. That is why C programming language is taught to the students before starting any programming language further. C programming language is often called ‘God’s Programming Language’ for its simplicity.

Most of the available programming languages are developed from the C programming language. C programming language is a machine-independent programming language. This means the developed program can able to run on different types of machines. Also, it can able to develop the program in every operating system.

What Is C++ Programming Language:

The C++ programming language is an upper-level programming language. It is most commonly used for industrial purposes for developing applications. It is not used for tutorial purposes mostly. Because, depending upon the C++ programming language knowledge, you can’t able to understand a variety of programming languages quickly. For that purpose, C++ programming language falls under the difficult programming language categories.

The C++ programming language is platform-independent. This means whatever the operating system or the platform it can able to perform similarly. Also, it provides some free hands & more advantages than other programming languages while developing the applications. If you are looking for C++ Homework Help then contact codingzap. As it is quite similar to the C programming language, that is why developers want to use C++ programming language for developing purpose most.

We have come to know about the brief introduction of the C & C++ programming language. Now, it is time to know about the difference between C and C++ programming languages. For that purpose, we need to go through the section C vs C++: Which Is Better.

C Vs C++: Which Is Better:

While writing about the difference between C and C++ programming languages, it is very difficult to say which one is better. Depending upon the choice of the developer, they can choose the desired language. But the C++ programming language is indeed used mostly for industrial purposes than the C programming language.

Let’s write down the difference between C and C++ programming languages:

C Programming LanguageC++ Programming Language
C programming language is a Procedural programming language.C++ programming language is mainly an Object-Oriented programing language. But it can be used as a Procedural programming language also.
There are 32 keywords are present in the C programming language.There are 63 keywords are present in the C++ programming language.
C programming language is a function-driven language.C++ programming language is an object-driven programming language
C programming language doesn’t support the OOP’s concept.The C programming language supports the OOP’s concept.
C programming language follows a Top-Down approach while compiling the code.C++ programming language follows the Bottom-Up approach while compiling the code.
In C programming language, reference variables can’t be used.In C++ programming language, a reference variable is used.
In C programming language, User Defined data types are not supported.In C++ programming language, User Defined data types are supported.
C programming language does not support Virtual & Friend functions.C++ programming language supports the Virtual & Friend functions.
The header file declaration is different in the C programming language. Here, we used ‘stdio.h’ as the header file.In the C++ programming language, we used the ‘iostream.h’ header file.
C programming language focuses on Data.C++ programming language focuses on the Method.


As we saw the difference between C and C++ programming languages is very important.

It is advisable to clear the basic concept of both the programming language in a good manner. It is a very important first step.

Remembering the section “C vs C++: Which Is Better” helps you furthermost in the future. It is important to gain some knowledge about the difference between C and C++ programming languages.