
How to Get Inneractive Ad Code to Monetize an App

We’ve discussed the different ways of using the AppsGeyser Monetize banner space. We’ve given you instructions for how to work with AdMob. Now, we’re going to give you instructions for how to work with Inneractive, because it’s always good to have more than one way to utilize a particular option.

Usually, Inneractive likes to give you a package to add to your app. To put the ad in your AppsGeyser app, you need HTML or similar.

How to Get Inneractive Ad Code

  1. Go to the Inneractive Publisher Registration Site.
  2. Fill in details. Be sure to fill in a valid email address, as you will receive an email in the next step.
    step 2-inneractive-personal details
  1. Check your email for the confirmation. When you get the message that says ‘Just want to make sure you are REALLY you! Are you?‘ press YES!
    step 3- inneractive confirmation email
  1. This will take you to the Inneractive Dashboard. You’ll want to add your first app right away! Select Platform: Android, add your App Name, your website URL, Category, Description, Age Group, and whether you want Inneractive to use user locations to designate which advertisements are broadcast to them. Using location is likely to increase your click-through rate, so we recommend it. When you’re finished, click CREATE
    step 4- inneractive Dashboard - Create new App ID
  1. You’ll get the following screen. You’ll need to copy down the name of your app as it’s written in the space that says “AppsGeyser_LearntoJuggleClubs_Android in this example (It’s highlighted in yellow in the screen capture)
    step 5- get your app codename
  1. Then you’ll need to copy the following code into your AppsGeyser Monetize tab, changing the variables where necessary:
    var APP_NAME = “AppsGeyser_LearntoJuggleClubs_Android “;  //Mandatory
    var PORTAL = 559;   //Mandatory
    var CATEGORY = “”;
    var KEYWORDS = “”;
    var IMPRESSION_PIXEL = “”;
    var CLICK_PIXEL = “”;document.write(“<script language=’javascript’ src=’http://ad-tag.inner-active.mobi:8080/simpleM2M/RequestTagAd?v=Stag-2.1.0&f=4&aid=” + APP_NAME + “&po=” + PORTAL + “&c=” + CATEGORY + “&k=” + KEYWORDS + “‘></script>”);


    Be sure to add your category and keywords, as those settings enable ads to be targeted to your specific app content.