
Telegram Monetization Strategy: How to Use Bots for Promotion

When it comes to monetizing your telegram channel or making money from telegram, there are several ways that you can do this. Surprisingly, the number of people using some of these telegram monetization strategies is relatively fewer. However, they are still very useful in helping you monetize the platform.

The following are popular strategies for monetizing your telegram. 

  1. Sell Ads

Selling ads is the most popular telegram monetization strategy. In case if it is possible to sell the ads, there are companies and brands that you can sell the ads to. And there are also other channels that you can use for cross-promotion.

P2Ps, for instance, are the most common buyers of ads. The admins of the channel contact them, and they try to reach an agreement between themselves. But then, there is also the automated ad exchange option that you can try out.

  1. Ask for the subscription fee.

Another popular method to monetize your telegram channel is with the paid subscription service. There are two ways that you can do this.

  • You can either use the public channel where they have a large number of followers. Or
  • You use the private channel, which offers premium content only to the paid subscribers.

With this model, you get your profit from the private channel, while the public channel model uses the ads, content marketing, cross-promotions, and some other strategies for promotion.

There is no built-in paywall with a telegram, and this means that you have to monetize the platform with a third party service.

  1. Donations

The obvious ways to make money as a content developer is with paid subscriptions and ads selling. But another means is with donations.

With this model, your followers can give you some tips after every work you publish. Otherwise, you can use a platform like Patreon to set yourself up for recurring donations.

The WeChat platform is already known for tipping, and gradually, this is becoming popular on telegram.

  1. Sell your services and products.

You can sell many things on telegram apart from paid subscriptions, and chief of those are your services and products.

The good thing is, there is almost no service or product that you can’t sell on telegram. Some of those products and services that you can sell on telegram. Common examples of products and services and how to monetize them on telegram are:

  • As a freelance designer, you can have a telegram channel where you can design tips. You can sell gigs on this channel as a means of monetizing it.
  • If you have a CRM product as a SaaS service provider, you can have a channel on telegram where you deal with customer relations. Then you can sell SaaS subscriptions on this channel as a means of monetizing it.
  • You can create content (reviews, videos, unboxing, etc.) related to your telegram channel’s toys if you are a toy brand. And you can sell toys on this channel to monetize it.

It’s just like you handling a social media public page. According to the best essay writing service, there are plenty of options that you can use as brand owners and marketers.

Promoting Your Telegram Bot

A means of making money for people on telegram is also to promote their telegram. However, this is not for everybody as not everyone has a telegram bot to promote. In the same vein, the options available for promoting telegram chatbots are very few too. But here are a few things that you can try out.

  1. Bot catalogs

Several catalogs that you can use are already emerging. However, the traffic that they get every day is relatively low.

  • Hotlist
  • Telegram bot store
  • Botpages
  • Bot store
  1. Landing page

This requires you to develop an SEO-minding landing page. The area of chatbots isn’t one that has many searches or enquires, and so there is little to no competition for you here. This means that you might be able to bring in traffic by investing a little effort into this channel.

  1. Traffic exchange with other people that own bots

One way that you can do this is by looking for bot owners directly within your community, then ask them if they are in for cross-promotion. The other way to do this is by using the Ad Exchange for ChatBots.

  1. Partner with newsletter and press

You could easily get your product to feature in a newsletter or press because bots are actually very sought after at the moment. Here are some blogs and newsletters for chatbots that you can pitch your bot to.

  • Chatbots weekly
  • Telegram geeks
  • Bot weekly
  • Chatbots.org
  • BotWatch
  • Messaging weekly

Author’s Bio

Paul White is a professional writer at best assignment writing service with an experience of writing scientific, technical, and educative articles as an article and scientific work. A communicative and curious person with a passion for collecting knowledge. Find him on Facebook.