
Noteworthy 9 React Chrome Extensions To Boost Your Workflow

Want to boost your development work while working with ReactJS? Well then here we have collected some of the best React chrome extensions that will help you work faster & better. Before we head towards the collection, let’s know a bit about chrome extensions.

What Is A Chrome Extension & Why You Should Use One?

Google Chrome extensions are programs that can be installed in Chrome to alter the functionality of the browser. This includes adding new features to Chrome or changing the program’s existing behavior to make it more user-friendly. Extensions provide a wide range of extra functionality to help you perform tasks more efficiently.

Internet consumers are increasingly making allowances for daily online services and goods. And the only thing they really want is an excellent, smooth user experience. To achieve this purpose, developers are kept occupied by pressure to produce the greatest results with the least amount of time and effort. That’s where Chrome extensions come to the rescue. 

Developers can identify issues with their app in a development environment by using extensions for Chrome’s third-party dev tools. All Chrome DevTools are available for download from the Chrome extension store.

React Chrome Extensions

A React Chrome extension is a developer tool (or DevTools) that is dedicated to developing and maintaining a React app. They’re useful for debugging and inspecting React components, States, Redux, Context API, React DOM elements, etc.

Listed below are the top 9 React Chrome extensions that will boost your productivity as a React developer. Maybe you’ll find your favorite chrome extension here. Talking about boosting the workflow, you can always take the help of React Admin Template. Using such admin templates, you can easily develop responsive web apps with ease.

Now, let’s get started without further ado.

React Developer Tools

React Developer Tools

The first extension on the list is the React developer tools. It’s the official Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React JavaScript library, allowing you to inspect and visually analyze the React component hierarchies in the Chrome Developer Tools.

Tech giant Facebook React Team maintains the React developer tool extension. If you want to inspect the React component hierarchies in the Chrome Developer Tools, this extension can be your best friend.


  • Legacy React support.
  • Collapsed or expanded tree view.
  • Simplified tree view.
  • Improved tooltips.
  • Search timeline by component name.

While working on any React project, it is advisable to use Materio MUI React NextJS Admin Template. It is one of the developer-friendly & easy-to-use React Admin Template. You can build any type of web app such as an eCommerce app, fitness app, banking app, etc.

React Admin Template

Json Viewer

JSON Viewer

Well, it’s not a direct react extension. Although, almost every React developer uses it. If aesthetics is your concern, the JSON Viewer Chrome extension is one of the most beautiful developer tools. It is an alternative to JSONView that helps manage JSON data into an easily visible hierarchical view in a browser window.

Syntax highlighting, 27 built-in-themes, collapsible nodes, clickable URLs, and other customizations are among the many handy features.


  • Syntax highlighting
  • 27 built-in themes
  • Collapsible nodes
  • Clickable URLs (optional)
  • URL does not matter (the content is analyzed to determine if its a JSON or not)

Redux Dev Tools

Redux DevTools

As a React developer using React Redux for state management, this is a must-have extension for you to have installed as one of your React Chrome developer tools or as a standalone app. Redux DevTools enables you to monitor triggered actions and their effect on your Redux state.

Redux DevTools for debugging state changes in applications. The addon gives your Redux development process power-ups. It may be used with any other architectures that manage the state. This is also an open-source project.

Redux DevTools extension allows you to do the following in your React app:

  • Persist Redux store on page reload
  • Inspect every state and action payload in your Redux store.
  • Keep track of all changes in your Redux state
  • Keep track of Redux actions and their effects on states
  • Pause or cancel Redux actions
  • Redux Devtools allows you to reply to any previous actions

React Context DevTools

React Context DevTool

Similar to React Redux, context API is used for managing states in a React app, you can learn the difference here. Users use React Context DevTool to debug and keep track of state changes in React Context and useReducer API.

This React Chrome Extension will allow you to:

  • Inspect every state and action payload in your Context API store.
  • Keep track of all state changes in your Context API
  • Keep track of actions and their effects on states in Context API

React Performance DevTools

React Performance DevTool

React Performance Devtool extension is used for monitoring React component performance. It enables you to examine the operation of React components. This React chrome plugin focuses on identifying the causes of React components’ slower loading times and inconsistent performance.


  • Remove or unmount unused components in your React apps.
  • Inspect what is blocking or taking more time after an operation has been started.
  • Examine which components are taking more time to load.
  • Examine the table and see for which components, you need to write shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle hook.

HTML to React

HTML to React

As the name implies, the HTML to React extension helps you to convert any selected website element into a React component. Using HTML to React, you can quickly translate HTML tags from your browser to JXS.

This React Chrome extension allows you to quickly auto-generate a class or functional component by copying a portion of HTML code into the text field. Additionally, the HTML to React addon aids in the conversion of class-based HTML properties into camelCase JSX attributes.



At React Open Source in 2020, the Reacttime extension was put forward for the Productivity Booster award. By remembering the state of components each time they render, it is an open-source React Chrome extension for time travel debugging and performance analysis in React apps.

It includes numerous functions, including time-travel debugging, comparison of snapshot series, tutorial walkthroughs, and recording snapshots of the state of the application. Additionally, this React chrome plugin supports Gatsby, Next.js, and TypeScript in beta.


  • React Router Compatibility
  • Classifying State Snapshots by Route
  • Filtering Performance Metrics By Route
  • Visualize And Compare Components Within a Snapshot
  • Context API support

Jinno Design Any Website

Jinno Design Any Website

Before constructing a website, you can alter any part using Jinno and see how it can appear concurrently. It is an expansion with a design system focus. Similar to Figma or Sketch, the website’s properties, including the font color, can be altered quickly.

With the Jinno plugin, you can move any website element around to see how it will appear before developing it. The website’s attributes, such as the font color, can also be changed immediately, just like with Figma or Sketch.


  • Find any React open-source component
  • Build design system
  • Build storybooks
  • Export Reactjs code
  • Export Html code
  • And export CSS code

Realize for React

Realize for React

Realize for React is a tool that displays the React component tree. It enables React developers to keep track of states and to get a complete picture of the built-in components. When your React project is expanding in size and complexity, it is helpful to visualize its current state and organizational structure.

It gets more challenging to track state and to have a comprehensive understanding of the component hierarchy as React apps scale. Realize is a tool that aids developers in visualizing the architecture and state flow of their React apps, particularly as these applications get more complicated and large-scale. It currently works with React version 16.8.


  • Zoom & Pan – Hold down shift to enable dragging and zooming on the tree (to recenter just click the center button)
  • Component Focus – Click on a node to view the state, props, and children in the right and panel
  • State Flow – Click the ‘state’ toggle to show the state flow on the tree. Stateful components have blue nodes and state flow is shown by blue links
  • Search and Highlight – Enter a component name in the search bar to see all matching nodes pulsate.


Well, here I gathered some of the best React Chrome Extension which will help you do your work faster & better.

These React chrome extensions come with unique features which help in boosting your development process. Choose them as per your need & requirements.

I hope you find this collection helpful and noteworthy.