Mobile apps


5 Key Elements of What Makes a Good App

Apps are now considered essential parts of our lives. Throughout the day, you have to use one or two of them. You either use it for transportation, checking the news, your emails, or even for working. Currently, there are 5.6 million apps available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. With billions […]

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8 Benefits Of Incorporating SAM Into Your Business

Juggling numbers on paper or tracking data on endless Excel spreadsheets is not easy – or practical for that matter. This is where software asset management (SAM) comes into the picture – it’s a business practice that offers simple and optimized asset management.  You’d be surprised to learn that 43% of businesses still track their […]

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Buy YouTube Views 25 Sites’ Buyer Reviews

When marketing your business or brand on YouTube, one of the most important things you need to do is ensure that you have many views on your video content. This is because your videos’ number of views will directly affect how popular your YouTube account is and how visible you’re in YouTube search results. In […]

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Different types of operating systems everyone must know

Did you know? Interacting with your computer, smartphone or any other system is only possible because of an operating system.  Well it may sound bizarre but computers only understand machine language which is simply a sequence of 0s and 1s. Though, interacting with a system in the same language is not easy for a layman. […]

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5 signs of scams to watch out for while trading crypto

The crypto market these days is known as the wild west of finance. And it can certainly be exciting to trade there, with the possibility of cashing out quickly. However, it is also very dangerous to do so if you are not aware of the ways in which conmen in the space operate. In the […]

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