Mobile apps


8 Top Android Play Store Alternatives For Your Application

Imagine that you have created an awesome Android application based on a great idea. You have worked very hard over it and you have consumed all the resources for making the application successful. After publishing your application over the play store you might be thinking about creating a revenue from the application. Have you ever […]


5 ways To Make Money by Using Google Play Store

If you wonder whether Android apps make money over Google Play store or not then you are not alone. Many people have this fundamental question in their mind regarding Android application development that whether this platform provides a monetary value to the developers or not. Keep reading this article if you want to know about […]


Why You Should Use Emojis For Marketing Your Android App?

After reading the title of the article, you might be wondering how someone can incorporate emojis inside the marketing plan of an android app? This concept is relatively a new one. Emojis can be used for increasing the marketing efforts of an Android app. Keep reading this article for getting into the detail of the […]


How To Create Free Android Messenger App – Android Guide

Communication is deeply knitted with human existence. We can say that communication is an integral part of our existence. We cannot think about our lives without communication, or can we? Let’s just stay quiet for some time as if someone has not allowed you to communicate. How would you feel? You would feel suffocated and […]


Should You Publish your Android App or Not – Guide

First of all, before creating an application, you should get an idea of creating an app. Most of the time developers think that coming up with some top-notch app ideas is 99% of future success. Like always reality does deceive your expectations here too. But what is the point to be worried for? We are […]