
Top Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

Although React Native has only been around since 2015, it has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for software development and mobile app development. In fact, React Native is now used by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb. So, what exactly is React Native? Will it be a better choice when developing your next mobile app? In this article, let’s take a closer look at the definition of React Native and some critical reasons why developers utilize it for mobile app development. Moreover, there are some common mistakes you should be aware of when building mobile apps with React Native as well. Now, let’s get started.

What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript-based framework for building native mobile apps. It was created by Facebook and allows developers to use React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, to create native apps that work on both Android and iOS. 

React Native is a great choice for creating cross-platform apps as it allows developers to reuse code across different platforms. This means that you can write one codebase for your app that will work on both iOS and Android, which can save you a lot of time and effort.

Why Choose React Native for Mobile App Development?

React Native is one of the most prevalent frameworks for mobile app development that offers a number of benefits over other frameworks available in the market. Here are some notable benefits you can earn when choosing React Native for your next mobile app development project.

Speedier development process

React Native has a faster development process as compared to other frameworks available in the market as it has a unique feature that allows you to reload your app without recompiling. This makes the mobile app development process faster and smoother. Also, since JavaScript is the only language, you need to know, it reduces the learning curve and development time for React Native significantly.


React Native is an open-source and cost-effective platform as it allows you to develop cross-platform apps, and you do not have to invest in expensive tools and licenses. The cross-platform compatibility of React Native further reduces costs by letting you develop both Android and iOS apps from the same codebase, which can also save you a lot of time and effort.

Native performance

 This is a primary reason to select React Native over others for your project. React Native mobile apps are indistinguishable from native apps built using Java or Objective-C. This is because they use the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. 

Highly responsive

The best thing about React Native is its high responsiveness. Thanks to its asynchronous JavaScript code, any changes made in the code are immediately reflected on the app, which makes it easier and faster to test.

Compatible with third-party plugins

React Native is compatible with third-party plugins, which makes it easy to integrate with other platforms and tools. This compatibility also allows you to use existing codebases, which can save you a lot of time and effort.

Strong community support

React Native has a strong community of developers who are always ready to help if you run into any problems.  Additionally, React Native has many resources available online, and you learn more about it and its features easily.

Improved user experience

React Native offers a better user experience as compared to other frameworks available in the market. This is because React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. 

Easier maintenance

React Native mobile apps are easier to maintain as compared to other frameworks available in the market. This is because React Native uses the same codebase for both Android and iOS platforms. So, if you need to make any changes, you can simply update the code in one place, and it will be reflected on both platforms.

Better code quality

React Native offers a better code quality as compared to other frameworks available in the market. This is because React Native uses JavaScript, which is a well-established and widely-used programming language. 

Declarative coding style

React Native uses a declarative coding style, which makes it easy to read and understand. This also makes it easier to make changes to the code without having to recompile the entire mobile app.

Regular updates

React Native is regularly updated with the latest industry trends and features. The community is quick to adopt new changes and incorporate them into the framework. This ensures that your app always stays up-to-date and competitive.

Hot reloading

Hot reloading is another great feature of React Native that helps in speeding up the mobile app development process, which benefits both developers and users. With Hot reloading, you can make changes to the code and see the results immediately on the app. This is a great time-saver as it helps you avoid the need to recompile the entire app every time you make a change.

Simplified debugging

React Native offers a simpler debugging process as compared to other frameworks. This is because React Native uses JavaScript, which is a well-established and widely-used programming language. 

Ability to Leverage Native APIs

React Native gives you the ability to leverage native APIs, which results in a better performance in comparison with other frameworks available in the market.

Component-based architecture

React Native uses a component-based architecture, which makes it easy to create reusable components. This helps in speeding up the mobile app development process as you can reuse existing components instead of creating new ones from scratch.


React Native mobile apps are SEO-friendly as they are able to load quickly on the web. This is because React Native uses code that is similar to that used by regular websites. 

Some common mistakes to avoid when developing React Native mobile apps

To get the most out of React Native in mobile app development, you have to be aware of some common mistakes.

  • Not optimizing for performance: One of the most common mistakes made when developing React Native mobile apps is not optimizing for performance. This may result in a number of issues, such as slow loading times, poor app responsiveness, and low frame rates.  All of these can impact the user experience negatively.
  • Not leveraging native APIs: Another common mistake made when developing React Native mobile apps is not leveraging native APIs.  This may lead to several problems, such as poor performance and low frame rates, affecting the user experience also.
  • Using unnecessary libraries: Another common mistake made when developing React Native mobile apps is using unnecessary libraries.  This will cause slow loading times and large app size. 
  • Not handling errors: Another common mistake made when developing React Native mobile apps is not handling errors properly, which results in crashes and freezes.

In summary, React Native offers developers a lot of advantageous features that help the mobile app development process go smoothly.  However, it is essential to be aware of some common mistakes to avoid in order to get the most out of React Native. And we include both reasons why you should use React Native for mobile app development as well as some common mistakes you should keep in mind in order to avoid and acquire all its advantages of it. Now, the choice is yours to decide.