
Reasons To Choose React.js For Mobile App Development

JavaScript is an indispensable language for code development nowadays, which is used by programmers with different skill levels. The unique infrastructure, high processing speed, and user interfaces’ simplicity made it one of the most demanded and necessary to know. The abundance of various frameworks and libraries – one of the main factors to choose JavaScript because the job will be simplified and less time may be used for applications’ functional optimization. 

React.js is considered one of the best libraries to program with JavaScript and has been already used for the creation of popular high-trusted products. QArea specialists have experience in the development of different mobile applications and can provide highly optimized code with the use of React.js. Why is it usually chosen by the programmers and how can the library help to maintain the performance of mobile applications.

The Combination Of Effective Programming Qualities

The development process is always aimed at the consideration of customers’ primary requirements because the library allows making it with the use of various functions. To reach success and resultative performance using it, the best decision may be to hire react developers: https://qarea.com/hire-developers/react.

One of the main qualities of the framework, which makes it indispensable in the different fields of use, is the ability to provide open source development of the websites, web, and mobile applications. The developers are aware of each language’s peculiarity and know the strategy of the implementation of each of them. Reaching the result with the consideration of most primary requirements for code optimization is always aimed during the development.

Mobile App Development

Functional Composition

It becomes possible to create components, which can be changed without violating other structures of the code, made by React.js. It provides interaction between those parts of the code, which were written by different people. For example, it allows the provision of the next processes:

  • Implementing the internal changes into the component without changing the dependent elements.
  • Implementing the “initialization” and “destruction” codes into each component.
  • The addition of the “data dependence” element.

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

It is a specific method of data distribution, which allows providing the code performance with the next elements:

  • Model – the basis of the data, which reacts to the controller’s violations and changes its condition.
  • View – the model is visualized and performed to the user – each change, implemented to the model is applied in the visual component. 
  • Controller – the main connective part of such a system, which forces the model to make some changes. 

Such a programming approach has essential peculiarities, which is valued by react development companies:

  1. One model can be connected with several views, which allows it to interpret data by several types (histogrammes, tables, diagrams, etc). 
  2. The reaction at any user’s action can be done without view realization – any other controller can be used in such a case.
  3. The acceptance of the user’s request is provided with fast analysis during the cooperation between the model and the controller.

Isomorphic Approach 

The JavaScript code, written with the use of React.js, can be used both in the customer and the server part of the application, so the necessity to duplicate the same function disappears. Because the delay, which is more than 2 minutes, can become a serious disadvantage, the loading time reduction is a good decision to optimize the processing speed. It is reached by the use of JavaScript code on the server part – the fast rendering of the pages allows users to feel more comfortable while surfing the application. 

Document Object Model – Fast And Easy Approach

It is a specific programming model, which predisposes the ability of the programs and scripts to get access to HTML and XML documents – the components of data can also be changed. While the creation of a specific web page it is always necessary to improve the user interaction part, therefore the elements of each dynamic implementation are necessary to be implemented fast. 

To make such an approach high-efficient, a specific checking and data saving process is performed by React.js. It consists of regular checking of the document’s condition and performance of a specific review of recent changes in data’s structure (the information is saved in the data storage – React.js collects it and allows it to be used in further developments).

the data storage

Optimized Compatibility

Programming with React.js can be done as a combination of different XHP libraries. React developers can make the product functional without providing a unique code with several functions, taken from other frameworks. For example, Facebook was created as a combination of different libraries and acquiring functions of other popular and high-optimized frameworks.  

All in all, React.js development allows the use of other high-functional user interface libraries and to reach the most necessary key expectations in building mobile applications.

Code Reuse – A Simple Way For Testing And Development 

Mobile apps have more advantages than websites – the web connection is not necessary for them. The pop-up notifications are also performed, which prescribes a 24-hour user interaction process. So to implement components to mobile applications, which were recently done for the website, makes the programmer’s work easy. 

As it was said, all the information about the code components is saved in the specific data storage and can be used at any further development processes. So, If you are planning to build an enterprise web application and you are not quite sure if developing a mobile version of the same application would be a good idea, here are some things to remember:

  • React.js allows you to use the concept of a web application when building a mobile application. It means that react app developers can use the same code that was used in the process of creating the website, instead of starting from scratch.
  • The financial expenses used for the development of different products will be minimized because the provision and performance plan is the same for the creation of mobile applications with the use of a website basis. 
  • The productivity level increases, because the website loading requires more processing speed than the mobile applications. In this case, building a new program with an existing concept becomes easy. 

To make the reuse process comfortable and appropriate for the development of different products, several established libraries are available. Some of them, such as VKUI and ARUI, were used earlier as internal companys’ projects. The main aim of their use – to maintain the proper work and stylization of the code elements and to provide user interaction with the “callback” function. 


The provision of mobile applications has become one of the most essential components of digital marketing. While hiring react app development services, high level of user interaction function, impressive interface, and good marketing qualities — everything that each customer wants to get as a result. 

Choosing JavaScript to develop a highly optimized code for mobile applications may always be a good decision — a proper framework, such as React.js, which covers the most popular user inquiries, should be used. If you think about getting a high-functional and qualitative product, think about development with the help of a dedicated team, which may create a specific plan and use an individual approach to your development process.