
What Is Desktop Virtualization and Why Should You Implement It?

What Is Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization is a technology that allows users to access a virtual desktop environment from another device. This can be done through a local connection or over the internet.

Typically, users will connect to a remote server running the virtual desktop software. This server will then provide them with an interface that looks and feels like a traditional desktop. Users can use this interface to access their applications and data as if they were sitting in front of their computer.

Types of Desktop Virtualization

There are three main types of desktop virtualization: remote desktop services, virtual desktop infrastructure, and desktop-as-a-service.

Remote Desktop Services (RDS)

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is a technology that allows users to access applications and data stored on a remote server. RDS is typically used by organisations that need remote access to sensitive data or applications, such as customer financial information or proprietary software.

RDS uses various security measures, including encryption and user authentication, to ensure that only authorised users can access the data.

In addition, RDS provides auditing and logging features that allow administrators to track user activity and identify potential security risks. As a result, RDS is a powerful tool for enabling secure remote access to critical data and applications.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is a type of desktop virtualization that creates a virtualized desktop environment on a central server. Users can then access their virtual desktops from any device with an internet connection.

VDI has many benefits over traditional desktop computing, including increased security and flexibility. With VDI, all user data and applications are stored on the central server, which is less likely to be lost or stolen.

Additionally, users can access their virtual desktops from any device with an internet connection, making it easy to work from anywhere. Finally, VDI can help reduce IT costs by simplifying desktop management and reducing the need for physical hardware.

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS)

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a cloud-based delivery model for virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). DaaS provides users with a complete virtual desktop, including operating system, applications, storage, and networking capabilities. Users can access their DaaS desktops from any device, anytime, anywhere.

DaaS is a cost-effective and scalable solution for businesses of all sizes. Companies can eliminate the need for on-premises hardware and reduce IT costs with DaaS. DaaS is also easier to deploy and manage than traditional VDI solutions.

Factors to Consider Which Type to Choose

When deciding which type of desktop virtualization to implement, there are several factors that you will need to consider, including cost, geography, business capabilities, agility and elasticity, and infrastructure control.

  • Cost: Implementing a desktop virtualization solution will vary depending on your chosen solution. RDS solutions are typically less expensive than VDI solutions. DaaS solutions generally are more costly than RDS and VDI solutions.
  • Geography: The geographic location of your users will play a role in deciding which type of desktop virtualization to implement. If most of your users are located in one country, an RDS solution may be the best option. If most of your users are located in multiple countries, then a VDI solution may be best.
  • Business Capabilities: The business capabilities of your organisation will play a role in deciding which type of desktop virtualization to implement. If you need to provide your employees with access to various applications, then a VDI solution may be the best option. If you only need to provide your employees with access to a few specific applications, an RDS solution may be the best option.
  • Agility and Elasticity: The agility and elasticity of your organisation will play a role in deciding which type of desktop virtualization to implement. If you need to be able to scale up or down your desktop virtualization solution quickly, then a DaaS solution may be the best option.
  • Infrastructure Control: The level of infrastructure control you need will play a role in deciding which type of desktop virtualization to implement. If you need complete control over your desktop virtualization infrastructure, then a VDI solution may be the best option. If you are willing to outsource the management of your desktop virtualization infrastructure, then a DaaS solution may be the best option.

Benefits of Desktop Virtualization

Implementing a trusted desktop virtualization software has many benefits, including secure and mobile access to apps, reduced downtimes and accelerated deployments, enhanced user experience, simplified administration, and enhanced employee productivity.

Secure and Mobile Access to Apps

With the rise of BYOD and other mobile devices in the workplace, there is an increasing demand for apps that can be accessed remotely. Desktop virtualization provides a secure way for users to access apps from any device while keeping the data safe.

In addition, desktop virtualization can help improve productivity by allowing users to access their apps and data anywhere.

For example, a user could start working on a document on their laptop at home and then continue working on it from their phone on the way to work. This flexibility can be a huge advantage for businesses, as it allows employees to work from anywhere.

In addition, desktop virtualization can help reduce IT costs by consolidating hardware and reducing the need for on-site support.

Reduced Downtimes and Accelerated Deployments

Desktop virtualization can help reduce downtimes and accelerate deployments. With desktop virtualization, there is no need to wait for new hardware to be delivered or for software to be installed. Users can log into their virtual desktop and start working. This can help reduce employees’ waiting for new hardware or software to be deployed.

In addition, desktop virtualization can help improve the management of business-critical applications. With desktop virtualization, businesses can deploy multiple versions of an application on a single server. This can help reduce the risk of data loss and ensure that employees always have access to the latest version of an application.

Enhanced User Experience

Desktop virtualization can enhance the user experience by providing users with a consistent interface across all devices. In addition, desktop virtualization can help improve performance by providing users with a dedicated virtual desktop.

Simplified Administration

Desktop virtualization can help simplify administration by providing a central place to manage all virtual desktops. In addition, desktop virtualization can help improve security by providing a way to isolate different types of users from each other.

For example, a business could create a separate virtual desktop for employees who access sensitive data. This would allow the company to control who has access to this data and ensure it is only accessed by authorised personnel.

Enhanced Employee Productivity

Desktop virtualization can help enhance employee productivity by providing employees with a consistent interface across all devices. In addition, desktop virtualization can help improve performance by providing employees with a dedicated virtual desktop. This can help reduce employees’ time waiting for their applications to load.


Desktop virtualization is a powerful solution that can provide many benefits to organisations. When deciding which type of desktop virtualization to implement, there are several factors that you will need to consider, including cost, geography, business capabilities, agility and elasticity, and infrastructure control.

Desktop virtualization can benefit organisations, including secure and mobile access to apps, reduced downtimes and accelerated deployments, enhanced user experience, simplified administration, and improved employee productivity.