
3 Ways to Quickly Increase App Usage Ratio

Increase App Usage Ratio

Every app is developed to be used by the audience. In each phase of app development, app usage is considered as one of the most crucial business goals. App marketing also revolves around app usage. App businesses can only survive if the audience is using their apps.

Although the app download rate is essential, app usage proves to be more important than it. Most of the modern app stores, like the Google Play Store, evaluates the cumulative app ratings by taking the app usage ratio under consideration, along with other factors.

Typically, once an app is published, all the hard work is considered to be done, but that’s not true. The app is managed and marketed properly to make it useful and convenient for users. If you focus on the quality of your app throughout the entire app development process, there is no way that your app business gets unsuccessful.

Luckily, there are a lot of ways to increase app usage. Some techniques have been old, and some or newly emerged. Our team has done extensive research on all of these ways and come up with the most effective ones. We are going to tell you these in the upcoming sections.

How Can App Usage Ratio Make a Difference?

Usually, Android apps take a lot less memory in the storage in contrast with other platforms. There are chances that a user normally downloads an app that he/she uses only for one time and forgets to use it for almost several months. This behavior can seriously be damaging for your app business as it’s against your app marketing goals.

We have evaluated some essential aspects of why app usage is important. These are as follows:

  • Customer Satisfaction: If your app has been downloaded and installed by the users and they are not using it, there are strong chances that they disliked it. The first thing to look at is why they have even installed your app? If you are fulfilling the needs of the users, why are they not getting in touch with your app? There could be a lot of reasons for it, such as the quality of your app, etc. You have to evaluate what is distracting them from using your app.
  • Revenue: Apps can only make you money if these are in use. Mostly, apps are integrated with the ads which have to be seen by the user in order to start generating revenue. Affiliate marketing works on the principles of it. If no one is using your app, how is it possible that people will see those ads or click on those! Therefore, to start earning money, you have to urge people to use your app.
  • App/App Business Reputation: You have to increase app usage in order to enhance your app business reputation. People love to see those apps with a great usage history by other people. Let’s take trending apps, for instance. The audience widely uses these apps and people just love to use them because everyone is doing that.

Certainly, some app stores like Google Play Store take app usage into account. Since the app rating is one of the most important factors while grabbing the audience towards an app, app usage plays a vital role in the evaluation of it.

Eventually, increased app usage also affects the overall value of your app. From earning money to business reputation, all the aspects revolve around the app usage ratio.

Ways to Increase App Usage Ratio

It seems like the app usage ratio is not under our control, but it totally depends upon some factors. We can increase the app usage ratio by controlling these factors conveniently. App usage is all about how much the users are interested in using your app, and you need to make sure that you offer high-quality functionalities.

If your app doesn’t represent a good solution to their problems, they will not use your app. You might have grabbed your target audience by showing them a good description and visuals on the app page on the app store, but they will not use your app if it’s exactly that which you have represented.

Even showing them a different picture of your app on the app store page can lead to bad reviews, which will eventually convert into bad app ratings. It doesn’t seem to be an easy task, but luckily AppsGeyser has come up with 3 proven ways to increase app usage ratio within a couple of days.

These ways have been extracted by thorough research and by analyzing different aspects. You can confidently use them as they are proven and tested. Without any delay, let’s head out to them now!

1. Make an Impact

The first thing that a user sees in your app is the user interface of it. If you have used bad layouts or poor visual quality, they will most likely dislike your app. These are the very first impressions of your app that you will put on your users.

The screenshots of your app are also used on the app page of the Play Store. When users see how your app looks like in a working condition through these screenshots, they download your app according to their taste. But if you have shown them something else on the screenshots, it’s not going to work.

Before even seeing the content on your app, they will not like to get in touch with your app if they don’t like the graphics. Testing your app on different devices also solves a lot of problems. If a user has a device that is larger in dimensions from those on you have tested your app, the app may not likely fit their screens.

Even some visual elements like button of your app could disappear if you haven’t tested your app having versatility in mind. Try to ensure that your app is user-friendly with good quality and attractive graphics. As you heard of the phrase, “the first impression is the last impression,” showing a good image of the app will make it stand out from the crowd.

The functionality and features of your app should also be quality-rich. It’s not about having a beautiful interface with no admirable functions. The primary purpose of users is to use your app features and solve their problems. You should update your app regularly to keep the user experience smooth and engaging.

The key here is to test your app as much as possible because comprehensive testing can assure you the quality and usefulness of your app. It is important to remember that no app is perfect; you can constantly impress your users by updating your app and enriching it with quality features.

2. Use Notifications and Reminders

Sending reminders to your app users to use your app seems to be an unrealistic approach, but research shows things differently. It shows that sending push notifications and reminders to your users significantly increase app usage ratio.

Creating impressive push notifications becomes hard because it involves Android networking, but we have got a reliable solution for you. You can easily send push notifications by following simple steps provided in a guide by the AppsGeyser. You can check it out from here.

Study shows that there are 22% apps which are only used once by the users. You should try not to include the name of your app in this category. There are a lot of ways through which you can engage your audience to use your app.

Offer them some deal or just say, “Hey, don’t forget us!” but make sure to get them engaged to your app. To evaluate what should be written in your app reminders, you should review the interests and personas of your target audience to get better exposure to their taste.

3. Focus on the Content

Even if your Android app is free, no one is going to use it if it’s offering fake or unattractive content. Content is the key to app success. Engaging and relevant content always urge users to use your app, which will eventually increase app usage ratio significantly. Try to make sure that your audience remains loyal to you.

A good content up-gradation strategy will help you out in increasing the app usage ratio. Most of the users will love to see if you have something new for them. For example, you can put some special offers or include some special features in your app to make it engaging to them.

You can also push your users to use your app by doing external app marketing. Have you seen the exclusive offer which is available on our mobile app? When you build a good relationship with your app users, they will love to corporate with you.


Increase the app usage ratio and see the long-term benefits of it. It will not only make you a lot of money but also help you stand out from the crowd. Make your app quality-rich and attractive, and there is no way that the users will go for other apps.

If your app usage ratio is decreasing, follow these ways, and you will see the difference. Like our social media page for instant updates and get in touch with us if you need any further help!