6 Steps To Creating A Push Notification For Your Free Android App
One of the most popular and successful ways to remind your users to open your free Android app and to notify them of new free Android apps in your app empire is to send them a message. Messages are sent in the app world by using method call push notifications, or app alerts. Yesterday we briefly spoke about the usefulness of an app push notification and how this feature, three of which are given to you free by AppsGeyser for the first 100 users, can be used to help you entice your users to engage with your Android app and recognise new apps that have been developed by you. Today we are going to look at, not how to create an Android app, but how to create a push notification for your Android app.
Although a push notification can be used for many reasons, the main use of push notifications remains as a notification of new features that you have upgraded and implemented. Alerts can also be used to promote competitions, introduce current sales, notify of important topical information as well as being used to promote external content such as affiliate marketing links and external ads. Whatever your reason for using your free push notifications it is important that you know HOW to create a push notification correctly.
Create a push notification
1. Log into your AppsGeyser account.
2. Once in your dashboard, choose the app which you want to send an alert to and click on alerts.

- Click on Alerts
3. Click on the yellow button that says ‘create alert’.

- Click on create alert
4. Now create the content of your alert using our HTML editor. You can add images, hyperlinks in order to make the notification more interesting.

- Write your content
5. Click send alert and your alert will be sent.

- Click on send alert
6. You have a choice to resend the same alert again by clicking the green symbol or you can create a whole new alert by clicking the ‘create alert’ button.

- Send the alert again
How often should push notifications be sent?
Think about how many notices you would be happy receiving on your mobile phone and then you will get the idea that sending a million alerts a month is annoying and will not benefit your app because you will be seen as annoying. From our research we can see that sending too many messages, or sending alerts within the first 30 days of the app being live and having less than 50 downloads is just a waste of time, an app audience has to be vibrant before you start on this part of your marketing campaign. When people download an app, they will generally keep it on their mobile device for a minimum of one month before they decide to delete it if it is not useful to them, so do not feel pressurised to send your alerts immediately. After your free Android app has been live for a minimum of one month, we suggest sending a maximum of 3 notifications a month unless there is urgent information you need to get out to your users. If you update the app via GooglePlay you do not need to send an alert, the user will get an update notice via GooglePlay.
Don’t forget, if you have more than 100 users, you may purchase additional alerts from our sales team. [email protected]
I hope this advice will help you create an Android app successfully. Let us know what you think via our Facebook page.