
8 Crucial Steps and Apps on the Way to Your Own IT Startup


Thanks to the advancement of technology, there are now more opportunities to work and create businesses out of applications, websites, and services. In the US, tech companies amounted to $1.9 trillion in revenue in 2019 alone. Today, the number of new players in this sector shows no sign of going down. If you have a good tech idea, this article can help. In the following sections, we’ll discuss the essential process of creating an IT startup; please read on.

8 Steps Of Creating An IT Startup

1. Idea generation, planning, and funding

Like Google, Apple, and Facebook, it all starts with an idea. An idea could be to solve a problem, introduce new technology, or improve an existing one. Whatever it may be, coming up with a promising, realistic, and attainable idea is necessary. After that, the next step would be to create a business plan. In this document, the founder outlines the company’s goals, objectives, deliverables, and core business activities.

If the founder doesn’t have enough money to start the business, then looking for funding is the only choice. Currently, there are different ways to secure financing, namely the following:

  • Fundraisers. Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow anyone to start a campaign and raise funding for a product, service, or business within a given timeframe.
  • Startup events. Events like TechCrunch Disrupt and SXSW organize annual competitions for new tech ideas where the winner(s) will receive funding. These events are also good publicity to introduce the brand to the public and attract more investors.
  • Public awareness. On Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, many aspiring entrepreneurs promote their companies or ideas through tweets, posts, and blog articles. While there’s no guarantee, it’s still a way to catch the attention of investors.
  • Direct communication. Aside from waiting, sending an investor a message is also a way to receive financing. While others don’t entertain this method, some, like Mark Cuban, always keep his inbox open for anyone to pitch short tech or business ideas. Besides, it’s worth the try.
  • Accelerator programs. Sequoia, Y Combinator, and 500 Startups are examples of accelerator programs that help tech startups get seed funding.

2. Choose a domain and hosting platform

After deciding on the brand, it’s now time to choose a domain name that clearly represents the company. If unfamiliar, a domain name is a unique web address that users will type into the browser to visit a website. If someone already owns a domain name, a company can buy it from the owner. Regardless, it’s best to secure a “.com” domain to establish ease of access and credibility. If you’re looking for the perfect web hosting plan, consider checking out today’s best domain hosting options provided by website experts. A reliable web hosting plan is essential for ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

A website or online application won’t run without hosting, so it’s best to get one from trusted places like Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Hosting. You can join Azure training today to learn more about Azure Cloud Computing. However, other affordable alternatives also work fine. Here you can check out today’s best domain hosting provided by website experts. Lastly, choosing a good platform is vital for scaling and maintenance, so it’s best to decide whether to use a CMS or hard-coded technology as early as possible.

3. Hire a development team

While many founders are also coders, some majored in business. In this case, it’s necessary to hire and organize a development team. Depending on the complexity of technology, one can easily hire locally, nearshore, or offshore. In the first option, one can invite friends, roommates, or colleagues to join the company and work as developers. On the other hand, nearshore hiring is possible through adverts or social media posts. Lastly, a founder can get a professional agency or contract through job listing sites when acquiring offshore developers.

4. Ensure cybersecurity

No matter how large or small a business is, criminals might still target it. Accordingly, it’s beneficial to review tools for ensuring cybersecurity.

In detail, one can defend the WiFi network, use secure programs, and employ VPNs, authentications, and antiviruses. 

Aside from that, it’s also essential to use a reverse phone lookup and email lookup tool like Spokeo to avoid scams, phishing, and identity theft. Using Spokeo’s reverse number lookup, email, and phone number search features, it’s easier to discern client and investor messages or calls from harmful ones.

5. Create a high-quality product

Creating a quality product is not all about development. In its entirety, it’s the collection of all efforts and tasks that will ultimately lead to the desired outcome. An example of this is ensuring a good UX that makes a program or service intuitive for all users. 

Apart from that, it could also be changing parts and functions to add capabilities or increase efficiency. In short, it’s about not rushing and taking the time to make the product the best version that it can be.

6. QA testing

After specific developments, adding the stage of QA or quality assurance inspection will provide benefits. First, it will test if all functions and goals of a product are working and complete. Next, QA can help spot bugs, issues, or vulnerabilities before public release. Lastly, it’s a way to review if the product is pleasant to use and appropriate for its target users.

7. Beta version testing

One of the first exciting milestones of an IT startup is giving beta access to different individuals. It could be a beta program in app stores, direct invite links, or focus group testing. 

During this phase, testers will use the product and provide feedback on the things they love, hate, wish to remove, add, and don’t understand. Using these results, the company can adjust and improve things before releasing the product to the public.

8. Devise a marketing strategy

Apart from creating a quality product, it’s also necessary to devise a concrete marketing plan. Without it, the public won’t know how good the product is or will not have interest and curiosity towards it. 

Moreover, a marketing plan typically consists of the target market, campaigns, value proposition, and metrics to measure the effectiveness and impact of the efforts towards the product’s popularity, interactions, and revenue. Luckily, marketing and advertising are now easier than before, thanks to the ubiquity of phones, computers, websites, and internet connectivity.

Lead Your IT Startup To Success

There’s no better time to create an IT startup than in this era. With the popularity of computing devices and the Internet, it’s now easier to get funding, hire developers, advertise, and launch publicly. 

However, despite that, it still all starts with a business idea. Therefore, if you already have one, we wish you the best. Good luck and lead your IT startup to success!

Maguire Haigh is a marketing manager for Spokeo. He is interested in the latest technology trends, marketing strategies, and business development. He also prefers travelling, exploring the world, and meeting new people. Maguire has great experience in creating and editing articles on different topics.