
Use Android Game Templates Free – Make Android Game Apps

Making Android games is hard, but with proper research and efforts, your dream game app will be ready to break the top charts. Research shows that entertainment and game apps have always been loved by users because, more or less, there are always some enjoyable features of these apps.

When it comes to making games, your primary goal should be to provide quality and value to your users. There is an excellent potential for android game apps to be successful and generate for you the ultimate revenue. Making games consists of various tasks, but by using versatile Android game templates free by AppsGeyser, you can create them within minutes.

Why are Android Games Important?

Surprisingly, Android games share a massive market on the Google Play Store. Developing Android games is a great way to make your app business exciting for the audience. Audiences always love entertainment, and fun apps and games are one of its important types.

You can get a glimpse of the importance of making Android games just by considering the factor that just only one game can generate you the revenue of an entire business. If you make the game app by wearing the user’s shoes, it is much likely that the users will like your game.

If the audience is loving your app, then not only your game app but the other apps in your product line will also get a boost in downloads. The reason behind it is that there is a vast list of other apps under the banner of your app business brand. If they love one of your apps, and it’s been trending for about a week, you are lucky enough to get rich.

AppsGeyser continuously provides improved and updated Android game templates free of charges for your convenience. Using our templates will not only make the development process quicker but also enriches your game app with quality. We have over a decade of experience in not only the development but the management of mobile apps as well.

Is it Difficult to Create Android Games?

Even if your entire app business revolves around android game development, it is challenging for you as well. Creating Android games looks like a fun activity, but in actual, there are a lot of steps involved behind it.

It all starts with the game app idea, and that should surely be a creative one. Your app idea builds the foundations of a great Android game, which will become the primary charm of your app business. These game apps are not similar to those who you often develop for ordinary users.

Making Android games proves to be a collection of some well-researched tasks backed by a strong and expert team of developers and game designers. You need to manage and sync all of the team members through a project manager, and it’s not the end of the story yet.

You should have some testers and other quality assurance staff to go through each and everything of your game app. There should be a marketing team and a support team that is worth mentioning because games require more branding.

In a nutshell, it is quite difficult to create android games because there are a lot of hidden steps involved in it. But luckily, with the help of some pre-built templates, you can pass through all the checks of a successful game. Just choose one of the Android game templates free of cost and use them to build efficient games on the go.

Are Android Game Templates Free?

AppsGeyser is trying to provide quality as well as the ability to stand out from the crowd by its free Android game templates. These templates are free of cost and for helping you out in your app business so that you can immediately start earning money.

All of these templates are fully-featured and comprehensively tested so that you can make your dream app without any hassle. All you need to do is just to explore them, choose your favorite one, and start creating the game of the future within a few minutes.

Which are the Available Android Game Templates?

From arcade to puzzles, there are more than 12 Android game templates free to use with various features. Each template comes with its special features, and we are going to discuss some of the popular ones to kick start your app business. Let’s have a look at each game template as follows.

1. 2048 Game Template

2048 is a memory game that can be created easily using our free Android game template. It is a sliding block puzzle game that is becoming very popular among youngsters. The game can be created within about 5 minutes by using the 2048 game template.

2. Coloring Game Template

Just upload some black and white images and let your users color these. The coloring game is the most addictive one for babies, and it is found to be a great way to learn how to color. You can easily use the template to create the coloring game within approximately 3 minutes.

3. Magic Ball Game Template

It could also be called an 8 ball app. Magic ball game allows your users to have random phrases on their smartphone screens after a shake of the device. It’s an exciting game, and you can add custom phrases by using the template. Just start creating the game today as it is popular among adults.

4. Spin the Bottle Game Template

Spin the bottle is a fun game that can be played with friends. In this game, tasks are decided, and the winner is chosen according to the spin of the bottle. Just use our template from here and show the fun side of your app business to your audience. It is a great choice from Android game templates free provided by AppsGeyser.

5. Tap the Cookie Game Template

In tap the cookie game app, your users will have to score as many points as they can before the time limitations. You can use custom images and phrases in the app to make it more fun. Your customization experience will significantly increase with the template. Just within 2 to 3 minutes, your tap the cookie game will be ready to be published on the Play Store.

6. 15 Puzzle Game Template

A well-designed and robust sliding puzzle game in which the users can put the pieces of an image and tries to combine them to form an image. You can provide an image to be used as a puzzle image in the game. Just follow the link and have this great game in your app product line.

7. Fishing Game Template

Users will have to catch as many fishes as they can within a specified time. The fishing game is an interesting and popular one because youngsters and adults equally admire it. You can start making the fishing app from here, and it will only take a bit of time to provide you the ultimate game.

8. Slot Machine Game Template

An amazing game that is loved by most adults and can have a great impact on the growth of your app business. Just visit the link and start creating the Casino Slot Machine game within a few minutes. It is advised to collect a set of images to be used within the app.

9. Matching Puzzle Game Template

It is a tiling puzzle game that can engage your audience. You need to upload 6 groups of images to be used in the app. You can follow the link to start the creation process right now. It is one of the most admired puzzle games trending on the app markets as well as one of the popular ones from all the Android game templates free of cost.

10. Word Search Game Template

Just add your words and categorize them into appropriate categories. You can also make the game in a custom playing theme as well. It is recommended to target a specific audience as the first step to make it popular in a short time. Explore the Word Search game template and start building it now.

11. Find the Pair Game Template

If we talk about one of the most trending android games, then the games of “Find the Pair” will be somewhere on the top. Kids around the globe love it and you can capture a vast audience through it. Follow the link to start creating Find the Pair app in which users will match the similar pair of images.

12. Quiz Game Template

You can make a trivia quiz game, which will include questions and answered represented in various new ways. This is an interesting app and beneficial for educational purposes, as well. You can start developing your own Quiz game by visiting the link. It will help you represent your app business as a versatile one that eventually attracts the audience. Generally, these android game templates free of any bug can be used to make many exciting games. Just try these templates on your own and tell us your experience or if you got any problem. Follow our social media pages and get in touch to have news about the latest templates.