
Android App Success – What The Experts Say

We all know that making an Android app is a simple task, but making it an Android app success is not so simple and takes a little planning and thought to help it stand out in the crowded app market. We have been talking to some Appreneurs and business experts and have asked each of them their top tip to help you along the right path to Android app success. let us take a closer look at what the experts say you need to do and how easy it is to achieve success even in the most crowded of markets.

App Success Tips from Experts

1. Rovio – Free apps are more successful – Believe it or not, Rovio, the company that are behind the Angry bird app series, makes more money from their free app versions than their ad free paid versions of their apps. The saying really is true, pennies make pounds, cents really do make dollars. App users are reluctant to spend just $0.99 on an app if there is a free app available even if it does mean they will have banner ads on that app.

2. Trey Smith – Outsource work – In order to have a successful business it is vital that you enjoy the work that you do, in order to bypass the less fun items on your business to do list, be it, managing your social page for the business, or answering customer service questions, that is the work you should outsource, the extra time you have will allow you to build on the aspects you enjoy and you will soon see this time is well spent, not only will you cover what you’ve paid for outsourcing your business will be more of a success.

3. Matt Luz – Icon Design – Your icon design is your face, your image, your first impression to your potential app users, if you fail to get this right, you could be jeopardising your entire app career. Make sure you research your icon properly, get the quality and style right before you launch your app.

4. Sean Casto – Make your app a success pre-launch – What Sean is trying to get across here is that there are many steps to getting your app ready for launch which will build up your reputation and ensure that your app is ready to be received. Tops pre-launch advice is to build your social network, have reviews ready from trial version that has been sent to selected users only and believe it or not, launch on a Sunday when more people are free to ‘play’ on their mobile devices.

5. Taylor Pierce – Learn from your failures – it may sound harsh, but nothing in life comes easy, you need to be prepared to make mistakes and learn from them, becoming an Android app success does not happen overnight for many people, including most of the top app makers in the world, many have to fine tune their techniques to get to where they are today. Trial and error is what makes a true success.

I hope these tips help you out and you will soon find yourself on the way to Android app success.