
Call for Tech Students: 6 Steps Guide to Becoming an App Maker

Today, when more and more companies launch their mobile apps to satisfy the needs of modern consumers, the demand for developers is as high as ever. This job has plenty of perks. Not only is it fun and creative, but it also pays well. No wonder why so many young people dream about becoming app developers.

If you are also tempted to gain enough skills to master this occupation, you might be wondering how to become an app maker. If that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place because, in this article, we will guide you through the main steps that will help you become a developer!

Becoming an App Maker

A Student’s Guide to Becoming an App Developer in 6 Steps

If you are determined to become an app developer, the earlier you start acting, the faster you will be able to see real results. Thus, do not procrastinate and start making the first steps to your dream now. And we will tell you what to do!

In the guide below, you will find step-by-step instructions that will get you from the point where you are right now to a professional app maker. But, before we get to our guide, there is one primary thing you need to take care of – it is finding the time to grow in the new direction.

If you are currently a student, chances are you don’t really have time for anything else. Therefore, your first step is to find a way to delegate your study matters to free up some time. We recommend turning to essay writing service EssayPro for any academic-related help. The EssayPro team can handle your papers and homework, while you will be pursuing your dream!

Now that you have a reliable academic assistant by your side, let’s get to actual steps that will make you an app developer:

Start With the Basics

To get started, you need to acquire some essential knowledge and skills. First and foremost, you will need at least a brief introduction to Computer Science. You can figure it out yourself or take a course. But that’s one of those absolute musts to get started.

When it comes to hard technical skills, to become an app developer, you will need to have a good understanding of:

  • Swift
  • UIKit
  • Xcode

Additionally, you will need to hone certain soft skills if you want to succeed in this job. Although the list of soft skills required for this job can be pretty extensive, there are three core skills to focus on at the beginning:

  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Teamwork

Pro Tip: Do you already have some of those essential skills? That’s great! Define which of them you already have and write down what you lack and what still needs improvement. This will give you a better idea of what you should do next.

Find an Online Course

If you want to create mobile apps, there are basically two paths – a long one and a short one. The long path implies applying to a college for a related major, graduating from the program, and landing your first job. This path is pretty standard. But, it can take multiple years to get you where you want to be. Not to mention that a college degree doesn’t always guarantee that you will graduate with all the skills needed to start working in your field.

But, there is also a shorter path. Today, there are hundreds of great courses that can teach you the basics of app building in a much shorter time. And the best part of it is that most of them are online, meaning that you can easily combine them with your full-time studies.

For those of you who are already acquiring a tech degree, online courses can also come in handy for building the necessary skill-set and gaining more hands-on experience.

Thus, your first step is to look for online courses. Check out such platforms as Udemy, Coursera, Domestica, and similar. They all have solid reputations and provide courses taught by recognized industry experts.

Join a Bootcamp

Bootcamps are great for acquiring new skills and honing the ones you already have. They help participants learn all the basics and gain experience in the short term and, thus, are another great alternative to college.

You can join a Bootcamp after graduating from an online course, while taking the course, or even without taking the course as Bootcamps typically promise to turn you into a ready-made specialist by the end of the program.

Pro Tip: There are companies that are willing to hire Bootcamp grads (for example, Google, Uber, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.) But, there are also companies who would prefer a course graduate to someone who only completed a Bootcamp. Therefore, we recommend doing both a course and a Bootcamp to get even more knowledge and raise your chances of getting hired in the future.

Invest Time in Self-Education

It doesn’t really matter if you are currently studying at college with a tech major, whether you take a course or not, in any case, to become a good app developer, you will need to invest a lot of time and effort into self-education.

Watch tutorials, read related blogs, find advice from industry leaders – be sure to grab every opportunity that comes along your way.

One great tip we can give you in terms of self-education is to use free resources provided by industry leaders. For example, Google Developers is a great resource for future specialists. There, you can find lots of handy materials and tips on a variety of topics. And there is even a feature called Codelabs that allows you to test the skills and knowledge you’ve already accumulated by completing fun coding exercises.

Another great source of materials for self-education is CustomEssayMeister. There is a huge collection of essay examples on all subjects, so you can learn how to master your college assignments from professional writers. Otherwise, use the service to get academic assistance with your papers and save some time for self-education in app development.

App Maker Self-Education

Practice Your Skills Like It’s Your Job

It takes time and lots of practice to become a great app developer. Constant practice is the key to success. Thus, you should never stop practising your newly-gained skills.

Practising will help you take your skills to the next level. Also, while practising, you will constantly come across new issues and learn about new solutions. Finally, practice will give you some hands-on experience, which is extremely important to get you hired in the future.

To practice your skills you can do various coding exercises. You can also work on your own projects and then include the best ones in your resume. Finally, you can participate in open source projects or coding competitions. Whatever option you choose, be persistent and consistent.

Land Your First Job

When you already have a certificate of a course or Bootcamp graduate, all the necessary skills, and, most importantly – some hands-on experience, you can start applying for jobs.

Don’t aim at high positions. Start by applying to different entry-level roles that don’t require prior work experience. Also, you can consider applying for internships. It is also a great way to start a career. Pro Tip: If you’ve already gotten so far but aren’t sure if you want (or can) to dive into a full-time developer job right away, consider landing your first job as a freelancer. This can be a great start for your career. Monitor various freelance platforms and apply for interesting projects. With some time and dedication, you should be able to land your first job!