
Build Your Android App Business Keyword Bank

It is time to start marking your Android app business. When planning any type of business that will be marketed online, you need to ensure that you have successfully collected a range of keywords that you will be using within every single page of your brand’s written content. You want to build a selection of keywords that will work together to bring your Android app business to the top of any online and mobile organic search.

The use of keywords within your Android app business, in your app, app name and description, and within your online content will bind your brand together. These same words are those that you will use if you create an ad campaign, an email campaign and within your online engagement with your audience through blog commenting, social media and online reviews. Using these words is what will help you get ranked.

But how do you choose the right keywords?

Choosing the right keywords is not an easy task but one that you need to work on. The four steps below will help you get started.

1. Brainstorm – The best way to get into the right mind-set is to brainstorm with your team. Write down every single word that you can think of that is related to your business. There are a number of areas that you need to consider:

  • Generic terms – This is related to the actual service or product, (ie: law, court for lawyers).
  • Brand terms – This is related directly to you. This includes your brand name and service name.
  • Competitors terms – This is a list of what terms your competitors are using.

2. Add location – Once you have listed a general set of key words you need to be limiting the audience size. You may think this is a bad move, but the narrower the scope, the more success you will have with getting to your audience. You should be including the town, neighborhood and even street. Are there any local places that you can include to bring exposure to your location?

3. Relevance – This is the point where you need to start eliminating words from your original list, because by now your list will be in the 100s. The most effective way to decide which terms you need to eliminate is to weigh up the relevance. This is where you need to think more about your audience, and what they would search for. For example, although you are a pet shop, you specialize in designer poodles. So would your audience use the term ‘dogs’ to search for you, or something more relevant such as ‘designer dogs’?

4. Cost and competition – By now you must have a great list of words, and in order to eliminate even more from the list we need to look into cost and competition. The competition level of a word will tell you how many searches are used looking for this word and how many other brands are using this very same word. If there is high competition, then not only the cost of the word will be higher in ad promotions, but it is also highly unlikely that you will even make it to the top page using this word because there are so many others using the same one. Try to use words that have a decent search amount, but low competition. This will ensure that more people will find your brand.