Category: General


Best 4 E-Commerce Solutions For Website Design

In our modern world, a well-designed site is a must-have element for successful trading. There are millions of e-commerce sites on the web trying to attract customers and satisfy their demands. But how to stand out from the crowd of compelling online shops and find your clientele? Web design is a win-win solution to confront […]

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4 Most Effective B2B Lead Generation Strategies

B2B lead generation is the process of stimulating and securing the interest of target customers with the intention of nurturing them until they are ready to buy. Driven by the effects of COVID-19 and emerging digital trends, B2B buyer behaviour has changed and continues to remain unpredictable.  Lead generation has become challenging for sales representatives […]

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Создать приложение с нуля – Шаг 4: Публикация приложения

Я думаю вы готовы опубликовать наше первое приложение на Google Play. Что для этого нужно? Поехали… 1. Войдите в GooglePlay: нажмите здесь –  Вы можете использовать существующий Gmail аккаунт для логина. 2. Следуйте инструкциям для осуществления платежа в $25 с вашей кредитной карты 3. Как только вы попали в дашборд, нажмите на кнопку “add new […]

Posted by Martynov

How To Use Social Media To Increase Your Revenues After Starting A Business

In 2019, 35.1% of entrepreneurs in the U.S. stated they were afraid their start-up would fail.  Fast-forward to pandemic times when the U.S. saw a drop in the Small Business Optimism Index  — a measure of the overall performance and health of small businesses — and we can really see why entrepreneurs are worried. But […]

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Sıfırdan Android Uygulama oluşturma – Adım 4: Uygulamanızın yayınlanması

Görünen o ki geçen hafta oldukça hızlı geçti. Bu hafta, oluşturmak istediğimiz Android uygulamamızın hangi konu alanında olacağını belirledik, uygulamamız için bir isim araştırdık ve işimizi görecek en uygun şablonun hangisi olacağını kararlaştırdık. Ve aynı zamanda uygulamamız için kişiselleştirilmiş bir karşılama sayfası da oluşturduk. İlk uygulamamızı Google Play’de yayınlamak için hazır olduğumuzu düşünüyorum. Uygulamamızı yayınlamak […]

Posted by Martynov

4 Auto Dialers to Use in Your Contact Center

An auto dialer is one program you must have in your contact center, especially in marketing and sales. It will automatically dial the numbers and connect them to available agents, thus cutting idle time. Not all auto-dialers were created the same, and not all contact centers have similar needs. There are different types of auto […]

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