
How to Make an App like UC Browser or CM Browser?

make app like uc browser or cm browser

Browser apps are one of the most popular categories of mobile apps on markets. They are used to access web pages and their content. Unlike some apps, browsers have always been on-trend. Users are constantly looking for new browsers to meet their needs: fast connection, easy access to information, more customization, privacy, etc. And some apps failed to do that in terms of privacy.

For example, UC Browser, Browser UC Mini or CM Browser. Both of them are the top apps with 500+ million installs each. In July 2020 these apps were banned in India among 57 other apps. The Indian government believes the apps “pose a threat to sovereignty and security” of the country. This has put the safety and security of CM and UC Browsers under consideration. But at the same time, the ban has opened an opportunity for app developers to release new browser apps and get users that are no longer can use UC Browser or CM Browser.

So what makes these browsers so good? And how can you make an app like these ones and repeat their success?

How to Make an app like UC Browser or CM Browser?

Before starting developing a browser app, you need to make the list of features. These are the most important functionalities of UC Browser and CM Browser:

1. Customization

The UC Browser Apps for Android should allow users to customize it the way they want. It can include setting the layout with dark mode, color schemes, text scaling, etc.

2. Multi-tab browsing support

Users surf on multiple pages. It easier for user experience to switch between tabs than to open websites one by one again and again, or even using a few browsers apps for this need.

3. Download management

It’s not a rare case when users download something from the web right on their phone. It can be anything: a book, a song, documents, images, etc. Users need to access downloaded files right away. Most apps have the “Downloads’ tab on the menu and even offer some basic management features like deleting the files.


It’s hard to keep in mind all website addresses you need to daily life. Or how can a user save the information he found useful? In this case, every browser should offer bookmarks. It’s an easy way to save website URLs and access them in 1 touch. 

5. Homepage and quick access

Apart from bookmarks, your browser app should have a homepage. The homepage is the first page users can see, once they open the app. The address for the homepage can be set by default by your team and users should have an opportunity to change it to any other website. What people usually set as homepage: work website, email, local news, weather forecast, etc.

6. In-App widgets

Widgets inside browser apps become more and more popular. They present easy access to interesting information for users: a list of bookmarks, weather forecasts, a news feed, etc. Widgets are mostly used instead of the homepage. 

7. Push-notifications support

To engage users you need to have a tool for direct contact. And we don’t necessarily tell you to send notifications yourself. Websites can send push-notifications to engage with their users through your browser app. Imagine, a user got on a website with clothing though your browser, subscribed to the notifications, left the website. Some time later, the clothing retailer will be able to send a notification to your user through your browser. The user comes back to the app to see the update he received from a different website. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

8. High speed of connection

The browser should support any time of connection: 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi. The app should process the page loading as fast as it’s possible. Sometimes it means to compress the images, disable auto-play of videos, etc. Keep in mind that Internet connection speed varies from one country to another. In the USA you may have 20 Mbps on average, in Sri-Lanka – 4 Mbps. The browser app should work perfectly at any speed.

9. Privacy and security

Users need the full privacy of their data. You need to provide the safety of personal information of your users: their passwords, addresses, names, etc.

Apart from that, browser apps can have features like add-on support, cloud boost, gestures, etc.

With or without a strong app browser concept, you need a team to develop the actual app. App development teams include:

  • Project manager. He/she coordinates all stages of app development, tracks the progress, helps coders and designers work intact. So far if you plan to make a browser app, you can be the project manager.
  • Full-stack app developer. He/she codes the app’s main functionality and layout. App developers specialize in coding for Android or iOs. If you plan to make an app for both mobile OS, you need to hire 2 developers.
  • UI/UX designer. He/she creates a design and layout of the app. It includes designing the layout, navigation, and features.
  • Q&A specialist. He/she test the app to find the issues before the app release. All the bugs and errors in the app functionality should be fixed by the app developer.

If you want to make a business with your app, then you should consider having in your team: business strategist, marketing, and ASO specialists. 

How much does it cost to make an app like UC Browser or CM Browser?

Developing browser apps like UC Browser, UC Browser Mini or CM Browser will cost you $15,000-$50,000. The higher level of the app, the higher the final price.

You can cut the price by up to 20% if you develop your app in the country with low incomes, for example in India. App building in the USA can cost you up to 5 times more than app development in India, Pakistan, and some other countries. Instead of hiring a company, you can hire freelancers on UpWork. App developers, designers, Q&A specialists are widely presented on freelance platforms. But be careful, sometimes the cheap work can turn into the expensive one. After hiring one freelancer for a low price, you might need to hire another one, more professional, who will fix the issues. 

Cutting features can also affect the price of your app. Think of what features are not that important for your launch? Maybe having push notifications support or weather forecast is not the most important? You can always go back to add new features after the release.

How to make an app like UC Browser Apps for Android for Free?

No need to invest thousands of dollars and years of your life into browser app development. You can build an app browser like UC Browser or CM Browser for free without coding or any other special skills. Even if you still want to build a professional app, you can test your concept or idea with a free browser app before investing your money.

App Builders provide an opportunity to build apps for everyone. There are multiple platforms for app development. Some of them charge money, some – not. AppsGeyser offers a free way to make apps for Android with ready-to-use templates including the Browser app.

To Create An Android Browser App For Free, You Should:

  1. Click on Create App on the homepage. 
  2. Choose Browser App Template. You can find it on the “Individual” menu tab.
  3. Add bookmarks. You need to add at least 6 bookmarks for your browser. 
  4. Upload background image. You can use the editor to crop and scale the image.
  5. Add widgets and edit their layout. You can add weather, downloads, web history, a news feed, bookmarks widgets.
  6. Choose homepage.
  7. Edit the layout and design. You can customize drawers position, tabs, toolbar style positions, etc.
  8. Name your app.
  9. Upload the icon. Use the default presets or upload your design.
  10. Publish your app on Google Play! Get your app discovered by billion of users!

The Browser App includes the following features:

  • High speed of connection;
  • Widgets with the weather, a news feed, downloads, web history;
  • Homepage access;
  • Push notifications;
  • Customizable design;
  • Bookmarks management;
  • Downloads management;
  • Security and privacy.

One of the benefits is that you can monetize your app and make extra income. UC Browser, CM Browser are popular among their users, they have over 500 million installs each. Even if you take 0,001% of their success, you will be able to make up to $1000 with your browser app.