
Free Android Apps Make You Money – Private Ads, Banners

The creation of an app is an amazing feat, but the creation of a free Android app that makes you lots of money is an even better feat. We have spoken a few times about the importance of using affiliate marketing in your free Android app to help you make a passive income, this allows you to sign up to a company and then sit back and wait for a minimal income to come in.

free android apps

What should I do to increase my app revenue?

In addition to using your affiliate ads for passive income you can use your app to display private ads. Private ads are sourced by yourself to suit your app niche. What is useful about private ads is that not only will you get a lot more revenue from the app, you will also get additional free advertising as the companies advertising with you will also link to your app through various sources bringing your additional app users.

There are a few ways that you can input private ads into your app, today we are looking at banner ads. Creating your own banners is a simple process and you can use an online company such as bannerfans.com to help you create your banner in minutes.

1. Open up bannerfans.com and start creating your banner, choose Custom and enter Size: 480px wide by 80px high

edit banner layout
free android apps make you money – customize the size

2.  Select your background, you can upload a picture, use solid color, or use gradient

3. Add your text and choose the font and color that you wish to use

4. Add in the borders, shading and extra bits that you like to make your banner perfect


6. Save as JPEG and then click on get the codes

7. Change the URL (webaddress) to one that you want the users to go to when the banner is clicked on, this is usually the advertising party’s website

get banner code
free android apps make you money

8. Click on the code labeled Code for webpages/blogs/MySpace.  Hit ctrl-c to copy the text, you need this to add to your AppsGeyser monetization page

insert banner code

9. Paste the code in the space provided on the AppsGeyser Monetization page

10. Remember to be able to share banner space with AppsGeyser, you must have at least 100 downloads with a usage ratio of 3.