
The Growth and Versatility of the Mobile App Sector

Mobile app

The mobile App sector is fast growing and has developed tremendously, with an App currently being available for most things. From free games to online shopping and directions, an app is available for download on iOS or Android that you can be guaranteed to need and use. Furthermore, if you are in the App development sector or looking for a business opportunity, it is worth keeping in mind that this sector has seen phenomenal growth, most of which is expected to continue.

This article provides you with some insight into the workings of the sector and details those areas in App development that are and will be subject to the aforementioned growth.

The World of Apps

The number of smartphone and mobile device users in the modern world has grown substantially, and one of the main reasons for such growth has been the mobile App sector. Whether it is for communication on Apps such as WhatsApp with 2 billion users, Snapchat with 173 million users, all the way along the spectrum of games, and more to professional design Apps that are now the mainstay in all forms of architecture (Smartdraw and Houzz), product design and more. Apps are the future of the mobile phone, and that future is affecting all walks of life and all professions.

Most Apps are now being designed to cross platforms, but those sectors discussed below are the main ones used on all platforms and the fastest growing App sector for both Android and iOS. The specific Apps may vary, but the uses as listed herein are the main App uses and the sectors where further growth is likely to occur in the sector.


As aforementioned, the most downloaded and used Apps at the moment are related to communication. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger dominate the sector, but there are smaller, more niche Apps being released on to the market all the time that aim to cater to specific online tribes. Businesses are also using the communication App market to improve customer communication and improve interaction, making it ongoing and immediate via mobile App communication that is now directly linked to the brand or product.

Communication for business use and to improve productivity within organizations have also grown exponentially and have begun to harness the power of mobile communication. While email remains a core tool for doing business, Apps allow for enhanced communication that can improve teamwork and strengthen business outputs as they allow for persistent, ongoing conversations. If you haven’t tried Slack yet, then you are missing out on one of the most fast-growing and in-demand Apps in the business world

The Apps vary and will be used for either business or personal communication as well as brand messages. Social media would also fall into this communication sector, which has seen immense growth in the recent past.

Mobile apps

Design and the built world

This sector that has begun to use more technology and mobile device applications has proven to be a large part of this, from product design for simple 3D printing projects to being able to plan which transistor kit you need for any prototypes for electronic design based on the diagrams from Apps such as the Electrical App Formulator. The range of Apps has grown and will now allow even the DIY electrician to make safe changes and improvements to their home systems.

Mobile Apps that provide for onsite measurements of angles (Angle meter pro) and the simplified calculation of concrete amounts (Fast concrete pad calculator) and material requirements for the quantity surveyor in real-time have served to improve efficiencies in the design and planning of the built environment. Of course, these are Apps that have been developed for a very specific purpose and target audience. However, as a rule, these will also serve to democratize the professions of architecture and design in that many a DIY enthusiast may also improve their handiwork by using the tools now available.

Games and entertainment

The fastest-growing App range is in the entertainment and gaming sector. Android Apps such as Halfbrick studios have seen huge growth, and the idea of free gaming to kill time or just relax has become a popular pastime. Fruit Ninja, Jetpack Joyride, and Monster Dash being just a few of their top titles. The free games Apps are but one aspect of the App sector for entertainment, media, and gaming. An additional growing trend within gaming Apps is the social aspect that they harness and optimize. This creates a social community of gamers who can build squads, connect with friends and other gamers, and play together.

There is a wide selection of such Apps available, and one of the main factors to look out for is the legality of the Apps that you download and use to watch movies and access online entertainment.

Travel and Navigation

Travel Apps were some of the first developed Apps, and GPS navigation Apps soon became the most included on the smart mobile device. One of the defining features of the travel and navigation Apps has been that the most widely used ones are generally free. Google maps for transport and navigation being the prime example, and it has become the most widely used navigation system in the world. While others, such as Waze, have included traffic information and details from other users in the App.

Information Apps for tourism information and exciting routes have also become popular and allow people to share relevant and current travel information to help others on similar trips.

The key to App success is usability and integration

However, the key to successful entry into the App development sector will be the usability of the App in question. For any App to become successful, it must serve a specific purpose and Appeal to a predetermined audience. Furthermore, the user must get what they are looking for effectively and efficiently. Thus, the developer must have a clear idea of how, when, and where the App will be used and accessed.

Then there is the App’s integration with the users’ current technology, hardware and software included. Finally, the App must allow seamless access and use and, in some instances, be able to be shared and used on other applications to enhance the user experience.

App monetization

Once the App has been developed and a committed user base created, it is time to consider how to make money off the App. One of the best ways to create revenue from an App is in-App marketing and advertising. Alternatively, there is also a demand for App upgrades to prevent or limit the amount of advertising. Thus, advertising is a key way to make money from an App and must be one of the first departure points when researching and planning your App monetization.

The world of mobile app development and use has come a long way since the first Apps were released and used. The sectors noted above, and the type of Apps listed to have and continue to take the forefront. Whether as an avid App user, developer, or business investment, it is worth keeping in the know and ensuring that you know which Apps and their uses will be at the forefront of the next App revolution.