
How-to: Geolocation apps on Appsgeyser

HTML 5As you may remember from our post about SXSW two weeks ago, we said that Geo-locations is a hot and trendy topic these days. We found the same to be true at the Appnation conference in San Francisco. We’ve heard a lot of people talking about creating or using geo apps, and we’ve seen several of our users creating geo-related apps using HTML5.

We were interested to see how many Javascipt-savvy people are creating apps on AppsGeyser that use HTML5 geo-location capabilities, and we found a several examples.

Here are the steps to take to help you get started:

1) Create your app using Appsgeyser.com (use http://html5demos.com/geo as a mobile site URL to test).

2) Access your dashboard edit page.

3) Click the “advanced” tab and turn the location checkbox on.

4) This will allow your App to access geo locations using HTML5.

Here is a Javascript sample to use in your app to get the location:

function success(position) {

function error(msg) {

if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
} else {error('not supported');

So if you are looking to create the next Foursquare or Gowalla phenomenon, Appsgeyser is a pretty easy place to get started.