How to manage your reviews to benefit from them?

Reviews provide you with social proof that can be a sales booster. How to avoid the most common traps and make the most out of their potential?
Do you check reviews before going to the restaurant or making a purchase? For most of us, it has become a custom – and thus, it has a big impact on the business. The reviews can bring the company down or contribute to its success. It doesn’t only come down to the quality of the service or products you provide, but also the whole customer experience and the way you handle reviews.
How to take advantage of the review’s potential? Here are some tips you may find helpful.
#1 Don’t be afraid of negative reviews
No matter how much you try and how great is your service or product, you will always get negative reviews. It’s just a matter of probability – there is practically no way that 100% of your clients will be satisfied. The truth is, the customer is much more likely to leave a review if something was wrong than when everything went smooth. Even if you did your best, somebody may find something to complain about. Don’t delete the negative reviews from your social media channels – you may get caught and lose your client’s trust. Plus, 100% positive reviews is suspicious. Instead, try to respond to them in a manner that satisfies both sides.
#2 Embed Google reviews widget on your website
Today, every company has to be on Google. Even if your business is entirely e-commerce, and you use platforms to distribute your products, the Google Business Page is an absolute must since it sums up all the information about the company – including the Google reviews. Instead of waiting for your customers to check their opinions on Google, take the initiative and embed the Google reviews widget on your website. It’s proof that you value transparency and have nothing to hide.
Maybe you get much more reviews on the e-commerce platforms or on social media than you do on Google? In this case, instead of choosing the Google review widget, you can pick a tool that allows you to collect rates from different channels, including Facebook, E-bay, Amazon, and so on.
Is it possible to determine the way to display Google reviews? The Google reviews widget can be customizable, allowing you to change its format, size, display mode, colors, and many other visual aspects. This way, you can pick a variant that goes in line with your existing design.
#3 Don’t get into discussions with clients
Review-related interactions are a slippery slope. On the one hand, the clients like to feel that you listen to them, and it’s worth reacting to their reviews at least with an emoji. On the other hand, it’s very easy to cross the line and say something that you will later regret, even though it seemed right at the moment. Thus, think twice before responding to the reviews on your website.