
How to Use E-Signatures to Leverage its Maximum Benefits

Signatures are essential to show that the person signing is, indeed, a specific individual. However, signatures can quickly become an unnecessary and time-consuming hassle when it comes to business dealings or a work situation. If you don’t want to be “hand-signing” every document you produce at work, then you need to know about eSignatures.

The best way to increase your productivity is by using e-signatures instead of handwritten ones. A plethora of apps and tools like CocoSign offer various features that can reduce the amount of paperwork in your office, increase data security and transparency, and generally make life easier for everyone involved.

The following article will give you all the information you need before switching over to e-signatures to leverage its maximum benefits. 

The Problem With Traditional Signatures

Traditional handwritten signatures are often an inconvenience instead of an advantage. Although they show that a person is verified, it is also a hassle for the business to keep track of everyone’s signature and make sure they match their ID. Many signatures have different styles and methods, so it’s challenging to make sure everyone matches the ID. Additionally, many people find sign documents time-consuming and unnecessary, which makes their modern replacement even more attractive.

What is an E-Signature?

E-signatures are used to establish business transactions and have the same legal effect as handwritten signatures. Business professionals utilize this type of electronic signature, sending out contracts with an attachment in PDF format containing a digital signature.

CocoSign’s e-signing feature is just rightly designed to be explicitly used for contracts, agreements, and other binding documents between two parties; these tools might not seem necessary. 

Electronic Signature

Nonetheless, they can help save you time and money in your endeavours. Reduction in time spent on paper-based documents, improvement in efficiency, and no need for legal fees are additional perks that go without a saying!

Getting Started with eSignatures

You must determine your organization’s needs before investing in an eSignature program. It may be a good idea to survey employees and list the most common tasks done by different people so that it will be easier to determine which kinds of applications best suit your needs.

eSignatures are used and adopted by many people for many different reasons. But even if you’re not an accountant, lawyer, or doctor – there is still a lot you can do to make the best use of this technology. For example, higher authorities in an organization use business owner email signature to avoid phishing attacks.

To get the most out of eSignatures, you have to understand how they work and their benefits. Here is a quick summary of some of the benefits eSignatures can offer you and your business.

The Benefits of Using E-Signatures

  1. Highly efficient:

E-signatures are much more efficient than traditional ones. Although it is impossible to ensure every signature is the same, the electronic signature will also be stored in a secure place while keeping it safe from prying eyes.

  1. Boost productivity

When it comes down to it, e-signatures are the perfect way to speed up paperwork and increase productivity in workplace settings. Using email signatures in the workplace will benefit everyone. It’s simply more modern and efficient to use e-signatures, and anyone who has used them before can attest to their convenience.

  1. Legally-binding with high security

For example, security features within an e-signature provide information about the signer, such as their identification number and gender. This element of authentication allows users to provide proof of their identity when signing electronically.

This feature helps prevent fraud because it aids in preventing unauthorized signatures from being accepted. These security features help verify the signer’s identity and make it nearly impossible for someone other than them to sign electronically on behalf of a business or individual.

Electronic Signature

How Can You Create a Use Case for Your Electronic Signature

Relying on electronic signs to help you, your employees or your customers communicate more effectively is one of the quickest ways to improve your business’s efficiency. However, finding an efficient use case for your sign can seem like a daunting task at first.

Luckily, there are numerous tools used by large corporations such as Facebook and Nike that can help you find that unique use case and make it happen with ease.

The four steps that make up the use case development process can help you find the perfect use case for your e-sign.


In this step, you must define your vision for you to be able to identify and label the specific issues that may affect your e-sign’s potential and effectiveness. This step can help you produce a detailed plan for implementing the use case that you have identified.


This is the step where you begin to explore the needs and challenges of your audience to identify the pertinent features for your e-sign. The analysis requires an in-depth and extensive review of your customer’s or employees’ challenges throughout their day. In this step, you must identify which features are necessary for each issue that may arise to produce a compelling use case. This step is essential because it will allow you to predict the challenges that could occur throughout the use case development process. Furthermore, analyzing can help you attain an in-depth understanding of how your e-sign will affect the way that your audience works.


In this step, you must validate all of the information you have analyzed in your previous efforts. Start by researching your current processes and comparing them to new and improved strategies that can be implemented using your e-sign. In doing so, you can push to improve your existing processes and continue to challenge outdated ones. Through your research, you can gather information on the statistics you will need to develop a successful use case.


Finally, this is where you focus on implementing the determined changes during your analysis and research stages. In redesigning the use case for your e-sign, you must check against any current processes that might affect how your audience uses it. Additionally, it would be best to consider potential challenges that may arise and how best to deal with them. To ensure the success of your e-sign use case, it’s critical to revisit every step of your process, including those that were deemed successful and those that were seen as failures.

Electronic Signature

Final thoughts:

It’s time to ditch the old-fashioned way of signing documents and embrace e-signatures. They are a much more modern and efficient way to go about things, especially when it comes to business. They can even be used to show agreement with certain documents or policies in the workplace. With CocoSign, we can see digital signage updates, industry trends, and best practices with e-sign. E-signatures can be used for just about anything from an employment contract to a document containing security measures for a company. Using these four steps of use case development, you can get right started with e-signing to develop a specific and compelling use case for your e-sign.