
Making Your Images Anonymous: A Guide to Blurring Faces and License Plates

It is essential to be mindful of what personal data you give away, particularly when photographs come into play, unless, of course, the license plates present in them are carefully blurred. Pictures, after all, can reveal a lot about one’s identity and information, and considering how various forms of misuse are on the rise in this data-driven era, it is essential to exercise caution.

In this post, we will explore the process of editing images by blurring faces and license plates, providing you with peace of mind when it comes to photo editing. Most importantly, these steps allow you to safeguard your data and maintain your right to privacy. Therefore, by following these specific protocols, you can ensure the proper use of your personal info.

Building Your Solution vs. Using a Go-To Solution

Going through the available solutions, weighing out the benefits and drawbacks can certainly take up a lot of time, effort and resources. Let’s explore both using pre-made solutions as well as establishing our own customized solution.


While building your own solution using Python, for example, you can gain full autonomy when it comes to the code and adjust it accordingly with your distinctive demands; however, it does come along with a few disadvantages:

  • Crafting and testing a custom solution from the ground up can be a lengthy process.
  • In order to reach optimal results, it is necessary to employ a well-constructed ML segmentation or object model.
  • Straying from the key points of your endeavor can be a costly mistake.
  • Changing and upgrading can take extra effort and assets to implement.

Therefore, using a face blur app can yield numerous advantages, seen in the list below:

  • Streamline operations and ensure more optimal use of your assets by embracing a ready-made solution so you can devote attention to other facets of the endeavor.
  • The app uses cutting-edge algorithms for superb accuracy and efficiency.
  • The solution remains in-line with the best-in-class security protocols by consistently undergoing maintenance and updates.
  • With Watermarkly, you have an abundance of features and functionalities, such as image cropping, compressing, and resizing, as well as a PDF processor and a JPG converter.
  • The software offers a comprehensive suite of services, including API connectivity, potential for implementation on-site, and flexibility for customization.
  • It provides you with the opportunity to process an endless amount of pictures for free.

With Watermarkly or other similar platforms, blurring faces and license plates in your images is made simple. Here’s an easy-to-follow set of instructions to make it happen.

Blurring Different Elements in Photos in 5 Steps

To blur faces or license plates from images, you can follow these steps:

Choose an Image Editing Software

Create stunning visuals with any of several popular photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or Pixlr. You can also take advantage of online solutions (like Watermarkly) to quickly and easily enhance your images without any advanced technical knowledge.

Select the Area

Choose your selection tool (like the lasso tool or the pen tool) and use it to precisely select the face or plate that you wish to blur. Double-check your selection is exact and covers only the spot you chose.

Apply the Blur Effect

Once you’ve highlighted the portion you want, the next step is to create a blurred effect. In either Photoshop or Procreate, opt for the ‘Gaussian Blur’ filter or its equivalent ‘Blur’ tool, using it to obtain the level of blur you require. Most of the electronic editing applications will have attributes that enable you to mimic this effect.


Refine Edges

Obtain seamless integration of the blurred section into your image by taking advantage of the soft brush or eraser tools with their feathered edges to refine the edges of the blur.

Preview and Save

Zoom into the image to check that the blurring is effective and any personal or confidential information is safeguarded. After ensuring safety, save the picture in a suitable graphic format like JPEG or PNG.

A Final Word

All in all, editing tools have a vital role to fulfill when it comes to protecting our privacy: they help make sure that sensitive information, such as license plates, images of people’s faces, personal identification numbers or other confidential details are blurred. This is particularly relevant for the countless security and traffic cameras that record activity in public places.

It is highly important to be conscientious when handling images that are of a high-resolution due to the potential to breach individuals’ privacy. To avoid this, users should obtain consent from affected parties or use tactics such as pixelation.

Compliance with legal requirements and protecting personal data should become standard protocol for both users and companies. To make sure of this, redaction tools should be utilized.