
Marketing Your Android App Network From Within Your Network

AppsGeyser has given you the tools to create online Android apps easily, and you have now built up a small network of apps. Your next step is marketing your Android app network. Start this process by marketing to your current client base from within your own network.

Android app network marketing
All your Android apps connected through one marketing strategy

There are a number of marketing strategies that will help you promote your Android apps. Three of the most widely used tricks used in the market today are the use of splash screens, push notifications, and banners.

When users open an app, they are generally focused on the screen, waiting for the app to load. This time is an ideal to grab the attention of the user. Splash screens are widely used to advertise new applications that are relevant to the user, often from the same developer. It is important, when deciding to add a splash screen, to remember that the splash screen is the first impression your user will get of your app. It is vital to invest time in ensuring the splash screen is visually impressive, relevant, and inviting.  So for example if you are a look a local business owner with a window cleaning business you can literally invite all your friends with a notification that says hey all please download our new app… and with that you will send a link to the app download. Easy and super effective.

The advantage of the splash screen opening immediately, while the app is loading is that it provides the user with a quick response to their request. It’s never good to leave users waiting for an app to initialize. Keep the details to a minimum, and don’t make users wait too long for the app to load. The image needs to be clear, appealing, and relevant to your brand, so the user doesn’t close the app thinking they’ve opened the wrong app. Utilise the moment it takes to load the app creatively.

Another tool that is gaining power in the app market are push notifications, also called alerts. Push notifications have been around for a while, and are gaining more and more popularity.

Alerts are now used by developers to remind the user they haven’t used the app in a while, to tell the user about a sale, or to let them know about a new product. An alert looks very much like a text message, and shows up in the information bar at the top of the screen. Using alerts to bring users from one app into another can be very effective, particularly if the apps are related.

Finally, the use of banners to advertise external resources is a common way for developers to make extra income. When you’re looking to introduce a new app to your network, the banner can be a great tool.

As you can see, there are several avenues available to you to market apps within your own app network. You have already created the apps, created an existing audience, and now you have the tools to market your entire network of apps.

Let us know how you’ve marketed your app network.