
Create an App from Scratch – Remind App users with Push Notifications

Once you are happy with your app it is important to make sure that people that have downloaded your app use the app regularly. Regular use of the app increases your organic position on the GooglePlay store and it also increases your income from your advertising.

Remember it takes a while before you will become eligible for revenue from your affiliate marketing, your app needs to be incurring at least 100 downloads per day with a ratio of 3 uses per download. This means for every person that downloads your app, they need to have used it at least three times to be included in the count. This may sound high, but actually it is not because the ratio is based upon average usage numbers and not personal usage. Look at the figures this way, there will be people that download your app and will never open it, and there will be people that download your app and use it many times a day.

use push notifications to remind app users

You can access the current link to the app that we built by clicking here. Or you can simply use our ‘keywords’ to find the app in the app store – Dog Show Photos. The second app that we built can be accessed by clicking here. Or you can simple type in the keywords – Dog screensaver

What are Push Notifications?

Push Notifications, or otherwise known as Alerts, are little messages that are sent out by the app maker to the users. It is the app maker’s way of communicating with their audience without the app user having to enter the app. A little message shows on the app icon to notify the app user that they have a message.

What are push-notifications used for?

Push notifications are used for a number of reasons; the main reason is to let the app users know that a new app is available within the series. Another of the main reasons push notifications are used is to notify the users of an external offer, this allows the app maker to push their external business and increase their revenue. Generally when an app is updated the app store will notify the user that the app has been updated, however, the app maker may also decide that it is important to send a push notification to alert the users of the new content in the app enticing them to use the app. Finally, we have found that app makers use this opportunity to push affiliate marketing links and external ads from which they gain revenue. This form of usage is minimal but it does account for up to 12% of all push notification usages.

Create a push notification

1: Log into your AppsGeyser account.

2: Once in your dashboard, click on alerts.

open alerts menu

3: Click on the yellow button that says ‘create alert’.

create an alert

4: Now write what you would like using our HTML editor. You may add images, hyperlinks and make the notification interesting.

edit the text

5: Click send alert and your alert will be sent.

send the alert

6: You have a choice to resend the same alert again by clicking the green symbol or you can create a whole new alert by clicking the ‘create alert’ button.

resend the alert

When should I send push notifications?

We do not suggest that you start to send push notifications until you are getting at least 50 downloads a day. Build your audience first then begin to send your notifications.

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