
Marketing Your Android App: Give Your App a Great Description

You’ve used Appsgeyser’s easy interface to create an Android app that you think is fantastic. Now how do you get people to download it?

There are a number of elements that go into determining which apps are popular and which apps are a flop, but the title and description are essential parts of any campaign. There are two reasons why the title and description are so important:

  1. Searches. If your app is a diet calorie calculator, and the words “diet” and “calorie calculator” don’t appear in the description, it won’t be found.
  2. Help people decide what to download. When people search for an app, they don’t download every relevant app. They look at the descriptions and choose the one that best matches their needs.

The Title Should Tell What the Application Does
This seems obvious, but often app publishers look for a cute or gimmicky name that doesn’t give users any clue about the app’s function. An app called “My Best Friend” could be an app for keeping in touch with friends, an app about dog care or any of a number of things. Instead, give a meaningful name to your app that helps people know what it does without looking at the description.
How To Create a Great Description:

  1. Don’t waste the first few words. Some search results show only the first three of four words. If those words are “This is an app that…,” it doesn’t help get downloads.
  2. Make sure there are relevant keywords in the first line. If it’s a horoscope app, make sure the word horoscope is the first or second word.
  3. Explain exactly what the app does. Give a feature list or overview. If the app has a limited number of features, list them all. If the app is complex, make a list of the key features.
  4. Without mentioning or criticising your competitors, make sure that the list of key features highlights any features that your app has and other apps don’t have.
  5. Call to action – even though it sounds irrelevant, asking people to Download Now (or an equivalent) actually does help.
  6. Sense of urgency – do you plan on making your app a paid app in the future? Let people know. Use phrases like “Free for a limited time.”

Writing a useful app description means that more people will find it and download it. Changing descriptions on an AppsGeyser app is easy. Just login to the the dashboard and click Edit. If the app has already been submitted to the Android Marketplace, the description will have to be changed there separately.