How to Outsource Android App Development Project?

If you’re deciding to outsource app development, please remember that hiring offshore development requires leadership.
Whether you hire an app developer in India, the Philippines, or look to any other offshore app development firm from any other corner of the globe, you will need to think about the process of app outsourcing before you start popping off decisions.
You want to hire an offshore app development firm or developer who can manage the projects. There are certain cultural expectations that the good offshore development firms and offshore developers have of their clients (or at least the ones worth their weight in gold, anyhow).
Non-Western cultures have a huge power-divide that puts you at a disadvantage in getting the real story. Your outsourced app development firm has to tell you when you are wrong when you are late on deliverables, or even sometimes when you are out of line.
You will have to respect the app outsourcer’s opinion and listen to what they are saying because, ultimately, they are focused on making your project successful.
If they cannot tell you these things, they are not focused on your app’s success, but instead, they are more concerned with only making you happy. Moreover, do not be fooled; these are NOT the same thing.
You will need to trust your offshore app development firm and know that they will assume responsibility for your project’s success. Let them take ownership of the app development project and not necessarily rely on accountability to gain compliance.
It does not matter how strongly you suggest that your outsourced app developer does something they do not believe is right.
If they don’t buy into it, chances are it won’t get done right, won’t get finished on time, won’t get completed the way you want it, or any number of other sources of frustration.
That is a big one because to trust your outsourced app developer; you have to communicate with them well. Before you hire them, talk to them.
The more you chat and get to know them, the more you can determine their worth and whether or not you want to proceed to work with them.
Here are just a few things that you may want to ask your offshore app development firm (in addition to the entire interview process).

App Development Interview Questions
The following questions will help you find the right android app development company for outsourcing.
1. What do you do when projects fall behind?
They need to tell you something about how they plan to rule scope creep with an iron fist! If they sound stumped by the question, they don’t have the leadership to handle it!
2. What do you do when projects start to run over budget?
Same as above, but they should be willing to discount the rate too.
3. What do you do with clients who continually add scope creep?
If they cannot tell you how they manage a demanding client, they won’t be able to manage you!
4. How often do you have meetings?
Look for a regular schedule. It is an indication of good organization and reliability.
5. When are you available, what time of day, etc.?
Skype is necessary. I won’t work with anyone who is not on Skype every second they are in the office.
6. What will you charge, and when do I pay?
App development costs, like everything else, vary. A cookie-cutter project is relatively cheaper; the cost of developing an app like whatsapp or a 3D game or complex database-driven app can cost many times more.
Do not be penny-wise and pound-foolish. The best developer for your project is not necessarily the cheapest nor the most expensive. You want a developer who shares your vision for the project and has the expertise to complete it on time and within budget.
When you pay, most reputable developers will require a deposit (often half the estimated cost) from you to get started but generally do not require full payment upfront.
Be very skeptical of developers who need full payment in advance. You should also approve the project (by reviewing a fully functional app on the device on which it will operate) before the final payment is due.
7. Can I talk to your clients for whom you have coded apps before?
You can ask for references from the developer. A developer will always be ready to share his past work with you. Your developer should not hide such things. If the developer has done some good projects, he will surely show you his work and reveal his clients.
In case the developer does not have anything to show, then you should avoid him. Try to go for an experienced developer because you will not need to train him about the work.
8. Whom do I talk to if I have an issue with you?
Let them know you are willing to talk to their boss early on. It helps a lot, especially in Asian cultures. It is critically important to take the time to hire the right app developer or development firm for outsourcing.
Hire people that believe in your project. If you do not follow these simple steps, you increase your chances of frustration and possibly fail your app development project. Or you can make your life easier and use AppsGeyser. ?
4 Steps to Outsource Android App Development Project
If you want to do android app outsourcing, then make sure to follow the mentioned steps. These steps will help you in making your project successful.
1. Understand Your Requirements
You should have detailed information about your app. Try to provide all those requirements to the app developer. Do not forget to mention even a small requirement if you want the desired outcome.
2. Find the Right App Developer
Ensure to find the right app developer for your work. You can ask the earlier mentioned questions from your app developer, which will help you know whether the developer deserves the project or not. You can use different freelancing websites or even social media platforms to find the right app developer.
3. Check portfolio
The portfolio will let you know more about the app developers. You can check their portfolio and talk to their previous clients before assigning the project.
Apart from the portfolio, you can also read reviews of previous clients. Talk to the app developer and let them know what you want. Through the portfolio, you can decide whether to choose this app developer for your project or not.
4. Choose Payment Method
Once you have decided on an app developer for your project, you can pick the payment model. For this task, you can also ask the app developer.
How to Start Android Development?
To start android app development, you need to learn how to code. Some of the popular programming languages that you will require learning are;
- JavaScript
- Python
- C++
- C#
After learning these programming languages, you can start your Android development journey. But if you do not like to code and want an easy solution, try the AppsGeyser.
Through AppsGeyser, you can create your desired app without learning any programming languages. So do try AppsGeyser if you want to start a career as an android developer.